ChapterFifty-Narry Centric 2/3

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Hey Guys!

I should be revising for my maths exam thats tomorrow, but im updating instead, oops:/


Harrys POV(Harry spanked Niall on Monday, it is now Wednesday)

I bet you are all wondering what I meant by saying;

That was just the warm up,

Well I meant this;

*Flash back*(btw this is gonna be the day after Harry spanked Niall so Tuesday, sorry if its confusing)

The day after I had to spank Niall, he promised to be well behaved for the rest of the week,

Well that promise lasted for 24 hours and now I have to spank him again.

First off,

He punched me in the stomach because I told him I couldnt get him the game he wanted.

That resulted in me ringing Paul and he told me not to spank him but place him in the corner for 10 minutes.

When the ten minutes were up, Niall was crying and saying sorry over and over again.

That was when I though I had the real Niall back.

Oh how I was wrong.

4 hours after Niall had his corner time, Fake Niall returned, this time he threw the WII remote at the tele, cos he lost the game.

I had to ring Paul again and this time I had to spank him 20 times, then half an hour in the corner.

Same as last time , Niall promised to behave.

And yep, you guessed it, it didnt last long.

6 hours later, it was 11pm and time for me and Niall to go to bed, but Niall wasnt having any of it,

"I AM NOT GOING TO BED, IM NOT SIX HARRY! YOU DONT CONTROL ME" Niall screamed as I tried dragging him to his room.

I stopped and swatted his most proberly raw pink bum over his jeans, "You listen to me young man, you are going to bed and staying there, if i have to call Paul again, you are gonna end up with a sore bum"

He scoffed and pulled his arm from my grip,"What's Paul gonna do?, Wow I'm really scared"

I gripped his arm again and screamed, "GET YOUR SORRY LITTLE ARS-"


I lose go of his arm and clutched my throbbing Jaw,


Realisation covered his face, "Harry I'm sor-"

"BED NOW!" I cut him off, and watched as he ran to his room slamming his door.

He's defientaly done it now.

I pulled my phone from my jean pocket and called Paul.

"Hey Harry" Paul's cheery voice rang threw the speaker.

"Hey Paul" I whispered.

"Whats wrong Harry?"

"Its Niall..."

"What's wrong? Is he okay? you okay? what's happened?"

"Paul, calm down, yes he's fine, his attitudes not though"

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