Chapter FiftyNine!

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Hey guys:)

I wasnt gonna update today, cos i had to go to the hospital about my hand, but they said it wasnt as bad as they thought it would be, but they have said try not to use if as much, hense why im updating on my phone again.

Also its because i lost all my prompts, so who ever sent a prompt in and i havent done it either pm me or comment,

But luckily I managed to copy one of them:)




One Direction or 5sos?

Anyway heres the prompt:

You could do one when liam gets stressed and he buys and drinks some alcohol (but not enough to make him drunk) and he hides the evidence in Zayns bathroom. Then Harry finds the empty bottles and spanks Zayn harshly (similar to chapter 12 part 2 in your story) and Harry leaves Zayn on the floor, still angry when Zayn didn't confess. Then Liam finds Zayn in his condition and he confesses to Louis and Harry, then Harry spanks Liam while Louis comforts Zayn.



Liams Pov

Everyone expects the members of One Direction to act in a certain way.

For example, 

No drinking

No smoking

No clubbing

No kissing other girls

No dating other members..

And to be honest with you its stressful as hell.

Its like we're prisoners and management are the police guards. Watching our every move like hawks.

Anyway, today the boys are going out, 

Louis to meet up with Eleanor

Niall and Harry to do some catching up

And Zayn-

Wait scrap that here comes Zayn now;

"You alright bud?" I asked, as I saw his shoulders slump and his face go into a frown.

He shook his head and mumbled, "My mum couldnt make it, her train got cancelled due to a power railing falling on the track"

I pulled him into a hug, as I whispered, "Sorry Zee, how about you go and take a quick nap and ill make us some food?"

He nodded and hugged back, before he walked misberly back to his room.

I went downstairs to start cooking dinner when I saw a bottle of WKD in the wine holder.

I picked it up and started drinking it, washing all my stress and worries away.

No more daddy direction for me.

I must have been drinking it for atleast 5 minutes before it stopped flowing in my mouth and I realised it was empty.

I huffed and went to put the bottle in the bin, when I heard chatty come from outside.


The boys are back.

I ran upstairs and heard the shower on, I quickly ran into Zayn's room and dumped the bottle under his bed, before legging it back into my room.

One Direction-Spanking Story(ON HIATUS TILL OTHERWISE) Where stories live. Discover now