Chapter Fifthteen: Part two

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The group laughed before whispering into Zayn and Niall's ear,

' We got you


Zayn took a shaky breath, before glancing at the group, who was laughing at Niall and Zayn's scared expression. The leader noticed Zayn looking at them, he then sent the Bradford boy a smirk and a wink making Zayn shudder.

Zayn was thinking how to escape, maybe he fight them? maybe he could just run for help? maybe he cou-

Zayn was knocked out of his thoughts when he heard a cry coming from the side, he turned his head to see one of the teenagers hitting Niall,

'hey! Stop that!, Let him go!' Zayn screamed, running forward to help his baby Nialler, when he was pushed back against the wall, two of the teenagers holding him back.

As Niall's cries got louder, Zayn struggled harder to get loose,but in return got two punches knock into stomach, knocking all the air out of him. He would have doubled over in pain, if it wasn't for the teenagers holding him up, in a tight grip, bruising both arms.

Suddenly Niall's cries became quiet, worrying Zayn, he open his eyes to see Niall stood up, kicking the teenager until he became unconscious.

' Hey! get off him!' the leader shouted charging straight towards the irish boy, whilst the teenagers who were holding Zayn got distracted, he kicked them both, in the baby maker;) and ran towards Niall, who was trying to fight off the leader, Zayn jumped onto his back and put him in a sleeper hold, watching him fall to the ground.

Niall and Zayn took their chance to escape and ran out of the alley( A/N I can't remember in part one if they were in an alley or not) and ran straight home, leaving their sweet fulled bag behind.


Harry and Louis where pacing around the living room, Louis trying to call Zayn again, with no such luck.

'their arse are mine, when they get home Harry shouted, anger evident in his voice.

When Louis was about to reply, when the front door opened, revealing a very bruise Niall and a very scared Zayn, who had flashbacks of the club attack, whilst walking home, but decided against telling Niall.

'where the he-' Louis was about to say, but when he saw the state of the two boys, he hurried over and lead them to the sofa, a very shocked Harry trailing behind.

' Now tell me what happened?' Louis questioned.

the next five minutes were spent with Niall and Zayn re telling the story.

Once they finished Louis and Harry signed, before Louis stood up and walked to Niall,

'let's get you cleaned up' Louis said a lot calmer now.

Niall nodded, he took off his ruined costume and let Louis tend to his injures, every few moments, Niall would let out gasps of pain and the occasional 'ow!' when Louis cleaned a sore spot.

Once he was finished, he stood back up with Harry and stood in front of Zayn and Niall and their angry glares returned.

' Now I know you too had a bad night, but hitting someone is not acceptable, even.if they did hit you first' Harry said. Zayn and Niall both lowered their heads, a few tears spilling out of their eyes.

' We're sorry' Niall said

' Yeah, sorry' Zayn mumbled.

' You're forgiven, but you're both getting 20 each, with our hands, bare okay' Louis asked.

Niall and Zayn both nodded, so Louis took Niall over his lap and bared him, Harry doing the same to Zayn, since both of the boys where facing each other, Niall grasped Zayn's hand, squeezing it reassuringly.

Everyone knew Zayn took the spankings more painfully then the rest of the boys.


Harry felt Zayn fall limp over his lap, loud sobs escaping his mouth. He pulled Zayn up to his chest, letting the black haired boy sob into his chest, Harry waited patiently for Louis to finish with Niall, which he did after a few moments.

Louis pulled the crying boy into his chest and same as Harry did to Zayn let him cry it out into his chest.

Once both boys cries turned into sniffles, they both stood up, pulled up their boxers, taking off their jeans completely, then hugged it out, Niall rubbing Zayn's burning bum. Niall then went to the sofa and pulling Zayn onto his lap, running his fingers threw Zayn's dark hair, making him cuddle into Niall more,

'Love You Nialler' Zayn mumbled tiredly.

'Love you too Zaynie, now go to sleep' Niall whispered back, still running his fingers threw, the now sleeping boys hair.

Niall suddenly felt tiredness wave to threw him, so he cuddled down on the sofa, Zayn still on his lap, and fell asleep.

Louis and Harry who was still in the room, recording the whole thing, chuckled, before placing a pillow under Niall's head and covered both boys with a blanket, before exiting the room.


Zayn and Niall!

Hope you liked it(:

I want 20 votes and 5 comments for the next chapter.

please send me in prompts(:

do you want Zayn and Niall to become a couple and create ziall?(:



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