Chapter Eighteen

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I thought I'd update!(; yay!

anyway, today in school this boy thought it be funny to throw mud at me and bruised all my arm! boo! he destroyed my new jacket and my new bag!

so this chapter is basically gonna be about bullying.

WARNINGS: cutting and bullying.


'hey fag! get your lazy arse over here!' Zayn heard, his bully Josh Devine shout. Josh was the most popular person in school and not for good reasons. He bullied Zayn daily, either with physically or metal abuse or if Zayn was lucky both. note the scrasciam.

'what do you want' Zayn said as he turned around only to be pushed into the locker making him gasp in pain.

'you dont speak until I tell you too, understood?' Josh asked, whilst pushing Zayn further into the locker.

Zayn whimpered but none the less nodded him head. obviously josh wasn't happy with that answer, since in a matter of seconds Zayn was on the floor, clutching his stomach, gasping for breath.

'i want a verbal answer' Josh said, whilst delivering another kick into Zayn's stomach.

'yes, I won't speak until you say so' Zayn said, between his heavy breaths.

'good boy!, now you won't tell anyone about this will you?' Josh questioned, whilst delivering three most hard kicks to Zayn's stomach.

'no, please j-just stop' Zayn whimpered. josh laughed before kicking him one more time. then running off, his group of friends following close behind.

Zayn tried getting up, but failed as the pain in his stomach got worse with every movement. So he just layed on the ground for a good 20 minutes, before slowly trying to get up again, which he finally did. He limped to the bathroom, walked into a stall and slid down the wall, finally letting the tears fall. After crying for nearly 10 minutes, Zayn reached into his bag, pulled out his pencil case, opened it, pulled out the sharpener, destroyed it then slid his jumper up then sliding the metal across his wrist, smiling slightly when blood started dripping down his arm and onto the tiled floor below him.

He sliced four more times, until he felt that was enough, it was also because he was feeling light headed. He steadily stood up, swaying slightly and walked over to the sink and cleaned his wrist, wincing when he finally felt the sting.

He pulled out his phone and noticed school finished 30 minutes ago and that he had 7 missed calls from Louis and 5 from Harry.

He walked/limped out of the bathroom only to be greeted with a fist to his already injured stomach, he fell to the floor in pain, his hands instantly making there way to his stomach, trying to protect himself.

'get up!' Josh shouted. When Zayn didn't get up more like couldn't get up, josh bent down and grabbed a fistful of Zayn's hair and pulled him up, making Zayn scream.

'when I tell you to get up, you get up!' Josh screamed, whilst kicking Zayn in the knee, making Zayn buckle in his grip. Josh laughed before letting Zayn go, who fell straight to the floor, Josh stood back and raised his foot and slammed it down on Zayn's leg, making his scream and try to wiggle away, the next five minutes were spent with josh leaning all his weight on Zayn's leg and josh's group kicking and punching any part of Zayn's body that they could reach, all apart from Zayn's face.

finally the pain ended and Zayn opened his eyes to see josh and his group walking away, he pulled his phone out and noticed that he was nearly an hour and half late. He opened his contacts and dialled Louis' number. It rang for a few moments before Louis' angry voice rang threw.

'ZAYN MALIK!' Louis screamed down the phone.

'louis,help' Zayn gasped the pain in his stomach becoming unbearable.

'whats wrong?!?' where are you?!?' Lousi questioned his anger exiting his body in a flash.

'beat!' Zayn whispered.

'I'll be right there, try not to move' Louis said before ending the call.

not even five minutes later Louis was running into the school, spotting Zayn straight away. he ran straight over kneeling down beside him and trying to get Zayn to move with no avail as all Zayn did was cry and beg not to be moved.

'i know it hurts, but we need to get you home, I'll have to lift you up, I will hurt but we need to get you home fast' Louis said, kissing Zayn's forehead.

He then bent down and placed one arm under Zayns knees and the other on his back, before lifting him up as carefully as possible, even though it made Zayn scream out.

'shh, It'll be okay, we will get you home then take about what happened' Louis said, trying to comfort Zayn the best he could.


Louis pushed open the front door, carrying the now sleeping Zayn in his arms, Harry turned his head when he saw Louis walk in, he was just about to shout at Zayn for being late but then saw the condition Zayn was in, he gasped before helping Louis place Zayn on the sofa, then told more like demanded Niall and Liam to go upstairs.

Once they left, Louis explained everything he knew about what happened to Zayn, by the end Louis and Harry where both crying.

Then they heard three gasps from the door way, Louis and Harry both turned around to see Liam and Niall standing there crying too.

they all ran to each other and pulled each other into a group hug, letting all their tears mix together, when they finally calmed down, they exited the hug and all walked to the spare sofa and sat down then cuddled into each other, waiting for their special but pained boy to wake up.


hope you liked it:/

I didn't enjoy writing that.

now if anyone cuts or is bullied just realise you have people to speak to, you are not alone,

if you feel like cutting then just question why would you want to destroy your beautiful skin? god made you that way, so be proud of it(: xx

anyone can message me if they want to talk(:

I want 25 votes and 5 comments for the next chapter(:



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