Chapter Forty Four!

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Hey Guys!!!!!!

A few people wanted to know why the boys did what they did to Niall and Liam, so here ya go!




*Zayns POV*

My eyes fluttered open and i looked around to see i was still in Liam's arms and still in the living room. I turned my head to see Niall, Harry and Louis cuddled by the wall. I shifted but winced as my bum came in contract with Liam's jeans.

Oh Yeah! 

Me, Louis and Harry had the spanking of our last night, and hopefully i will never have to experience pain like that again.

Whimpering, I put my head back into Liams neck and  slightly cried. I heard movement from kitchen then foot steps coming nearer the living room. I looked up again to see Paul bringing in six glasses of orange juice, I watched as he carefully placed the cups on the table, then he stood up and noticed me awake.

He smiled and walked towards me, "Morning Zayn, How you feeling?"

I smiled back and shrugged, "Morning, in a lot of pain, not to be rude, but why you here?"

He chuckled and shook his head, "Thats your fault, well after you feel alseep on Liam and Harry and Louis feel alseep on Niall, i stayed over because my car broke down and plus today is when you three and gonna explain why you did what you did to Niall and Liam"

I shuddered and shook my head, "I dont need to tell you anything"

He stared at me in dis belief, "trust me you are explaining and if you dont i wont be afraid to pull either three over my lap"

I smirked, "Yeah, whatever"

This time he walked up to my face and gripped my chin, " youll be whatevering when you are over my knee"

I gulped and blinked back the tears, why the hell am i acting like this?,"Yes sir"

He nodded and released my chin, "Good boy, why dont you wake Liam up and ill wake the others"

I nodded and turned my attention to Liam, "Li-Li, time to get up"

He whined, "Zee, im sleeping"

I chuckled, he sounded just like me, "But Paul told me to wake you up"

He shushed me and pulled me closer to his chest, "We sleep"

I didnt say anything but cuddled closer to his chest and closed my eyes.

*Pauls POV*

I walked over to the three boys and shook Niall awake first, he fluttered his eys open and smiled up at me and pulled the other two closer, "Morning, Paul"

I smiled and shook Louis awake, "Morning Niall, mind waking Harry up?"

He shook his head no, as i continuted to wake Louis, "Lou, wake up buddy"

He opened his eyes and i could see unshed tears, "What's the matter?"

He whimpered and wiped off the tear that feel, "hurts"

I smiled sympathetically and picked him and, "Shush,  buddy, want some juice?"

He nodded, so I picked up a glass and he drank it all in one go, "Thanks paul"

I hummed and turned around to see if Liam and Zayn were up, but was meet with a cute sight.

They were both back asleep, the blanket lazily wrapped round them, Zayn cuddled into Liams t-shirt, one hand cluctching Liams.

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