Chapter Eleven

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I met my goal,so here's chapter eleven


Dedicated to CrazyMofos_12(: I changed it up a bit though(: Hope you don't mind!(:


It's been a few months since Zayn last smoked. Recently he has been really cranky towards the boys. Thinking that he just misses smoking, the rest of the boys, just let it slide, giving him on last chance, to change his attitude. But what they didn't know is that Zayn misses home badly, and that he had a phone call a few days ago to say that his mother had been in a car crash, getting seriously injured. 

Bet your wondering why he didn't go home, well he tried, but management said he couldn't because they had to practise for their upcoming tour. So you can most likely see when he is acting so bad and cranky.

Right now all the boys are at the studio practising their songs. Louis just finished his solo for best song ever and next it was Zayn's turn. When Louis entered he saw Niall and Harry play fighting, Liam asleep and Zayn on his phone, texting his dad to see how his mum was, Louis called his name a few times, but once he didn't get a reply he marched over to Zayn, grapped his phone, placed it in his back pocket, then dragged Zayn over to the sound booth (Is that what it's called?). Zayn gave Louis a glare, before doing his solo, he traded places with Niall, before walking over to Louis.

'Lou?, Can I have my phone back please?' Zayn questioned, putting on the puppy dog face the best he could.

'Yeah, but why I call you, you answer me okay?' Louis said, whilst handing Zayn his phone back.

'Yes sir' Zayn mumbled, starting to walk off, before Louis stopped him.

'Oh Zayn, your phone rang, whilst you was in the booth, I think it as your dad.' Louis said, watching Zayn's facial expression change from slight happiness to extreme panicness.

Before Louis could ask if everything was okay, Zayn was already half way out the door, Louis shook his head before walking over to Liam and Harry starting a conversation with them instead.


Once Zayn was out of the room, he unlocked his phone, before ringing his dad back. Zayn tapped his foot, waiting anxiously for his dad to pick up, when he finally picked up on the four ring, Zayn signed in relief.

'DAD?!?!, Why'd you ring, is mum okay?' Zayn asked, his voice dripping in panic.

'Um, well I don't know how to say this but she...she-' 

'No, please don't tell me she died.' Zayn suttered cutting his dad off in a middle of a sentence.

'I'm so sorry Zayn, they did everything they could' Zayn's dad said. Zayn felt small tears rolling down his face.

'No, No, No!, You must be j-joking, please tell me y-you are joking.' Zayn whispered into the phone.

'I'm so sorry' Zayn's dad said, Zayn fell to the floor, dropping his phone in the process smashing it to pieces, he leaned against a wall, pulling his knees to his chest, placing his head on them, crying into them.

After a few minutes, Zayn composed himself, went to the bathroom to clean himself up, so the boys wouldn't know he had been crying, then returned to the studio.

Once he entered the room, four worried faces looked at him, they all signed in relief when they saw Zayn, all running up and crushing him into a hug.

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