Chapter Twenty Nine

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Louis rolled over, and sat up rubbing his eyes.He glance towards the clock 8:56am then at the calendar 24th December.

Oh great, his birthday. Don't get him wrong Louis loves his birthday, but he thinks 22 is old.

He groans before leaning his head back against his pillow trying to fall asleep.

No such luck, as soon as he closes his eyes, their back open,  his hands unlocking his phone to see numours tweets to say happy birthday.

(A/N made up twitter names, sorry if theses are actually some ones)

@I_Love_Louis: @Louis_Tomlinson Happy birthday! I love you x

@i'malouisgirl: @Louis_Tomlinson Happy birthday, 22 ain't old, it's still young! xx

@directioner12345: @Louis_Tomlinson Happy Birthday!, you may be 22 but you'll also be 17 in my eyes x

He retweeted a few and follow a bunch of people, before getting up, chucking on a pair of sweatpants, then going downstairs to see all the boys in the kitchen.

"Morning!" Louis said happily, well it was his birthday after all.

But his smile got knocked off his face when non of the boys said hello or even happy birthday like they do every day/year and left the room.

Upset by that Louis left his eggs that were out on the table and stalked up to his bed room, closing the door, his tears now streaming down his cheeks at a rapid pace.

A few hours later, Louis walked down the stairs, finding the house silence, he walked into the living room to see a note stuck to the TV.

Don't wait up, me and the boys have gone out for the night, won't be back till late, enjoy your evening, don't get into trouble and don't leave the house, if you do, you'll be in serious trouble!

Niall and the boys


Shocked and angry that they forgot his birthday, he flipped the paper over and wrote,


He then got his jacket and drove to his mother's place,(A/N in my story all the families live in London)

Once there he parked and walked up to the door, knocking on it twice.

His mum opened the door, shocked to see Louis standing there, with tears down his face. She instantly brought him into a hug where he cried on her shoulder, till he was calm and then walked in shutting the door behind them.

"Aww, boo, what's wrong?" She asked concerned, once they entered the living room and sat down.

"They forgot my b-birthday and ignored me all day" He sobbed out.

"They, as in the boys?" She asked confused, she signed once he nodded his head.

"Hey, shush, stop your crying, you still got us" She soothed, then his sisters entered and once they saw his state they ran over and gave him a huge hug.

"Sorry, I better go" He said, standing up.

"No!, it's no bother, we got you presents!" Lottie said, pulling her brother back down to the sofa.

Once all the presents was given, Louis was in tears again, but this time, they were happy ones not sad.

"Thanks guys" He said, a smile on his face.

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