Chapter Thirteen

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Sorry! I haven't updated earlier, I've had stressful week:

First- This story got resricted, Then I had my second part of my welsh exam, which I failed, then my maths teacher was being a dick, and having a right go at me:(

But hey! enough about my week, how was yours?



Lately Zayn has been acting like a baby,

Wetting the bed,screaming when he had to go to bed,sucking his thumb and crawling aroound everywhere.

So the boys have decided to make Zayn their baby or age-play as some people call it, but the only problem is that Zayn won't agree, so right now, all the boys are in the living room, trying to explain to Zayn what's going to happen, but Zayn wasn't having any of it.

'You are not going to treat me like a baby,i'm 17 for god sake!' Zayn exclaimed in angry.

'Well you haven't been acting your age, so you are going to become our baby, wether you like it or not' Louis said sternly.

'No you are not! what don't you four idiots get!' Zayn said, whilst walking up the stairs to his room, leaving 4 tear-filled eyed boys behind.

A few hours later Zayn walked down the stairs and into the living room, seeing the boys sat around the sofa.

'Fine, I'll do it' Zayn mumbled. Four gasps filled the air, before Zayn was pulled into a bone crushing hug.

'Why'd you change your mind?' Louis questioned.

'I didn't like seeing you so upiset' Zayn said, referring to all four boys.

Louis pulled Zayn to sofa, at the same time Liam stood up.

'Right, I'll be back in a few' Liam said.

 Zayn shrugged before jumping onto Louis' lap, cuddling in to him.

Liam returned 30 minutes later, with a bag, filled with nappies, dummies, a bottle and a stuffed bear.

'Zaynie,come here' Liam shouted, Zayn jumped off Louis' lap, before crawling over to Liam, to tired to walk. Once Zayn was in front of Liam, he layed him down on the floor, taking off his trousers and boxers and pulling a nappie on in it's place, he then stuck a dummie in his mouth, before picking him up and carrying him back to Louis. Niall then went to the kitchen, filled up a bottle with milk, with a hint of vanilla, then popped it in the microwave to warm. 

Niall returned a few minutes later, with the bottle of milk in his hand, he gave it to Louis, who sat the droopy eyed Zayn up slightly, before placing the nipple of the bottle to Zayn's lips, before sucking on it, making all the boys coo, in minutes Zayn was asleep.


It's been a week since, Zayn started age play. So far he's been enjoying being babied, but now he's starting to miss being the bad boy of the group,so he has decided to be bad today.

To start things off, he 'spilt' all of his milk over Louis, then he drawed on the walls, which the boys forgave him for. But now he took it one step too far, he went on twitter, logging onto Louis' account and tweeting:

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