Chapter Seven

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Hello!, I'm updating at like 12.20 in the morning, so this chapter might have a few mistakes.

Well anyway, here is Chapter 7


Its been a week since the incident in the club, Liam and Niall are carrying on like nothing happen, Louis and Harry are being over protective and Zayn?

Well Zayn isn't coping, sure his wrist has healed by nothing else has. He has nightmares, he's too scared to leave the house ,he wets the bed every now and then and he flinches when someone touches him.

But he's too embrassased to say anything, its not like he could go to Louis and say 'Oh I have nightmares and I wet the bed' he knows the boys will tease him about it, and he knows his pride will be gone, and if the paps found out, he will be the baby of the group, so yeah you see why he can't tell anyone.

It's currently 2.30 in the morning and all the boys are asleep, everyone except Zayn, he's on the sofa, hot chocolate in hand, staring at the blank screen on the flat screen on the wall. You see he does this everynight after he has his nightmare and his little accident.

Zayn signed quitely before walking back up to bed leaving his half full drink on the table.

Once in bed he tries to sleep, but everytime he closes his eyes he sees the man grabbing him, making him flick his eyes open and stare at the picture of the five of them in the X-Factor Final, where Zayn was once happy.

He feels silent tears trailing down his cheeks, but he doesn't wipe them off, he just closes his eyes again and crys himself to sleep, like any other night.

When Zayn wakes up it 11am, he gets up, gets dressed and strolls into the kitchen seeing the other 4 eating around the kitchen table.

'Morning' Zayn mumbles.

'Morning, how'd you sleep?' Louis questions.


Louis and the rest of the boys, know thats a lie, but decides not to push it any further.

After an awkward breakfast,all the boys pile into the car, well Louis had to carry a struggling Zayn to the car. They were heading to the studio to record for the video for 'Best Song Ever'.

Once recording had finished, the all returned home, Zayn out first, running to his room, locking his door behind. He fell back onto his bed, shoved his head into a pillow, and scream and cried into it, hoping none of the boys heard.

No such luck, Louis heard and told the boys, who decided to give Zayn some alone time.

A few minutes later, Zayn emerged from his room, looking for the boys, when he found a note on the table reading:


We have gone out for a bit, most likely be back around 4, we didn't ask you, since you was in your room, hope you are feeling better, call if yoy need anything.

Louis and the boys


Zayn started to panic, he hasnt't been left alone since the accident, now they just turn around and leave him?

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