Chapter NinetyFour

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well, here is it, I promised an update today too!

Double update woo!

thanks to larry_is_life_98 for the prompt-

Louis sneaks to a party and he does coke and he overdoses amd he almost dies so when hes recovered he gets spanked for scaring the boys and almost killing himself




Louis weaved in and out of the crowds, as he tried to find the bathroom.

"'cuse me" He slurred, trying to push past a group of girls who were dancing and covered in sweat and smelt like alcohol.

He finally pushed past them and made his way, slowly and drunkly up the stairs.


Harry was pacing around the room, and he keep checking his phone, "Where is he?"

Niall signed, "I dunno Haz"

Liam who was sat on the sofa next to Niall, nodded his head, "Haz, he's not going to re appear just because you're pacing, you're making us nervous by doing that, why dont you sit down yeah, and if he doesn't come back within two hours, we'll report him missing okay? or even go look for him ourselves"

Harry stopped pacing and sat down next to the boys, "Yeah okay, but only two hours"

The boys nodded and sat there, staring at the wall, wishing the time away and hoping Louis was okay.


I giggled into my hand, as I tripped over something in the hall way, "Ooops"

I leaned up against the wall, as I went back down stairs.

I went to the kitchen and grabbed another beer from the bucket.

I gulped half of it down as I stumbled into the living room.

A group of people were sat on the floor, in a circle, with an empty bottle in the middle.

"YO! Lou, come on over!" A friend of mine shouted, Im sure he's the one who's throwing the party.

"C-coming!" I said, then slightly burped after it, I'm so hammered.

I quickly joined the circle, and someone spun the bottle.

"Louis!" they said, "Truth or dare?"

I thought about it for a minute before saying dare,

The person smirked, "I dare you to neck that guys drink, then kiss him"

I crawled over to the guy, took his drink, necked it, then necked on with him.

After about 2 minutes, he pulled back, "Woooooow"

I smirked this time and went back to my space.

The game went on for about another 10 minutes, in that space,

I had two truths- "Who's the best looking in the band," I obviously said Harry in my drunken state.

"If you could blow someone here right now who would it be" For some reason I said the guy I kissed, and now his number is in my pocket written on a small bit of paper.

And Ive had two dares- 7 minutes of heaven with anyone in the group

Had to jump into the pool naked.

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