Chapter Fifteen: Part One

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I'm back!, thanks.for.waiting!

I know Halloween was yesterday, but I couldn't update yesterday, so here's the Halloween chapter!



' Right Zayn I trust you to look after Niall, if anything happens, your arse will be mine' Louis warned, whilst sorting out Niall's costume.

'nothing will happen I promise' Zayn said,he was dressed up as pumpkin;), eager to out trick or treating with his baby Nialler, who was dressed up as Chuckie.

Louis nodded, before pushing them out the door, giving him and Harry some peace and quiet seeing as Liam went to visit his mother who was in town.


'TRICK OR TREAT!' Niall and Zayn shouted to the fifth house who had opened the door for them.

The little old women, chuckled, before placing two packs of love hearts in each bag.

'thank you' Niall said,whilst smiling at the women.

'have a good evening' Zayn butted in,giving the women a little wave as she closed her door.

'well, she was nice' Zayn said, inspecting the sweets in his bag.

Niall was just about to reply, when he face planted the floor, letting out a 'oof', Zayn turned around to see Niall on the floor, blood pouring from his nose and 3 or 4 teenagers standing behind him laughing.

'WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!?' Zayn screamed, getting a few people to turn and stare.

' never liked Chuckie' one replyed,whilst the other's started to walk closer and closer to Zayn, making him walk backwards until his back hit the wall.

The teenagers chuckled before the 'leader' nodded to one of them who pulled Niall up, and threw him to the wall, making him slam his back against the wall, a small cry of pain leaving his lips.

The group laughed, before whispering into Zayn and Niall's ear,

'we got you'


dun dun dun!

cliff hanger sort off:(

Part two, up either tomorrow or Sunday(:

I want 5 comments, and 20 votes for part two(:




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