Chapter Ten

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Here's chapter 10!

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Louis was awoken, by a loud cough, followed by sobbing, from down the hall. He jumped up from his bed, and ran to the source of the noise. Zayn's room. He entered as quietly as he could, not to scare the poor boy. But what he saw made his heart break.

Zayn curled up in a ball, clutching a pillow to his chest, sniffling every few seconds, tears still rolling down his cheeks. Louis walked up to the bed, laying down on it, then turning Zayn around slowly. Zayn locked eyes with Louis, before digging his face into his chest. Louis was a bit surprised by the action by none the less, rub Zayn's back softly.

'You okay?' Louis asked, he knew it was a stupid question because Zayn obviously wasn't okay, but it was a question that had to be asked.

'No,my head and throat hurts, and I feel sick' Zayn whispered out, his voice croaky. Louis started to get up to get some medicine for him, but Zayn's weak hold made him turn around.

'Stay please?' Zayn whispered. Louis nodded then got back into Zayn's bed, were the sick boy cuddled into him. Both boys falling asleep once again.


Morning came around, far to quick for the boys, Louis was awoken by the sound of someone being sick, he was confused at first, but then remembered the events from last night, he ran to the bathroom to see Zayn kneeled over the toilet, being sick. Louis rubbed his back and moved his hair from his eyes. Once Zayn was done, he leaned back into Louis.

'I'm going to go and get you some medicine from the nearest pharmacy, why don't we get you back to bed?' Louis questioned, Zayn nodded, but then his face turned into pain, before shoving his head back over the toilet, being sick again. once Louis was 100% sure that he was done, he carried him back to bed, where he curled up in the blankets and falling back asleep. Louis exited the room, went in his own got ready, then went to the pharmacy.


Harry awoke 2 hours later, first getting Niall up, then Liam, leaving Zayn till last. He barged into Zayn's room, cooing at the sight of Zayn who was hugging a pillow to his chest, sound asleep.Harry walked over and shoke his shoulder.

'Hey, Zayn time to get up' when Harry didn't get a reponse, he tried again, this time he got a groan of Zayn.

'Zayn, you need to get up, we got a day off today and we was going to go to the zoo, remember?' Harry asked,getting quite annoyed that Zayn wouldn't get up, not knowing that Zayn was ill.

Zayn tried to answer, but everytime he tried, he would feel dizzy and his throat would hurt him to much.

Harry got fed up of Zayn's silenceness and pulled Zayn up, baring him then placing him over his knees.

'H-harry stop, I-' Zayn begged, feeling even more dizzy.

'SHUT UP!' Harry shouted whilst slamming his hand over Zayn's bum.

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