Chapter Twelve

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Here's chapter 12(:

Nearly at 7,000 reads, Agh!

Thanks to everyone who reads(:


Harry has been acting off lately, he's been running off, smoking, drinking and played up on a very important interview and quite frankly Louis has had enough, so when they get home from the meeting with Simon, Harry's bum is gonna be ripped off by Louis'.

Louis was knocked out of his thoughts by Simon who said,

'So you want Story of My Life, to be the second single?' he questioned.

'Yeah' or 'Sures' were thrown around, all apart from Harry who just mumbled 'I don't care, it's only a song'.

All the boys turned to look at him and gave him a dirty look, Louis got up, mouthed a sorry to the boys and Simon, grabbed Harry and dragged him to the nearest bathroom, pushing him in, then slamming the door, locking it behind him.

'Harry!, you are so childish, what do you call that out there?' Louis questioned angrily, making Harry smirk, knowing he got Louis angry.

'It was called my opinion, if you got a problem with that, then you can P*** off' Harry sassed back. Louis stared at him before roughly turning him over, pulling his trousers and boxers down in one swift movement, making Harry squeak.

'What the F***!?!? You can't spank me, I'm the same age as you, you twat!' Harry screamed, stuggling to get lose.

'Well, first off, lanuage!, secondly I can spank you and thirdly you been acting like a five year old all week, and naughty boys get their bums spanked.' Louis said back, whilst turning the tap on, making Harry frown and stuggle even more.

'Stop struggling.' Louis said, spanking Harry's thigh, making him squeak in surprise. Harry stopped immediatly.

'Why'd you turn the tap on?' Harry asked confused, as he watched Louis wet his hand and spread it over Harry's thighs, it all clicked in Harry's head before he started struggling again.

'No, Louis p-please don't, that will hurt to much' Harry begged, his confidence and cockyness going straight out the window.

'Not so cocky now are you?' Louis smirked, whilst spreading more water over Harry's bum and thighs.

The first smack fell, without any warning making Harry gasp at the pain.


'P-Please Louis, stop I'm s-sorry' Harry begged in between smacks.


The spanking went on until Louis reached 35 smacks on Harry's now slightly red bum. Harry signed in relief, Louis roughly pulled up Harry's boxers and trousers, making him hiss in pain, he then turned him around and pushed him out of the toilet door, without any comfort. Harry looked back at Louis, with betral and sadness covering his facial expression.

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