Chapter NinetyFive

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So, how's everyones week been?

Mine has been amazing! got surprised with 5sos tickets, then got new hair dye and getting a new phone soon! I'm so excited!

thanks to Directioner4life444  for the prompt!- Liam gets in a fight at school and suspended and gets spanked for both things



*third persons POV*

Liam Payne walked down the school halls, books held loosely in his hand, as he strolled to his next lesson.

You see, Liam, he was what people would call "popular", he had Niall by his side, and the odd group of friends which he saw now and again.

He was one of those populars who would wear his uniform wrong- rolled up sleeves, unbuttoned shirt, black skinnies instead of black trousers and black vans instead of black leather shoes-, show up late to lessons, get into fights once or twice a week(only little pushes or fist fights, so Louis or Harry would never find out) and his most favourite, be "hated/ scared" by everyone he saw..

The only thing he did that made him a "nerd" or "swot" was doing his homework, because, he knew if he didnt, he would be other the two oldest boys knees getting his behind tanned.

The bell rang, making Liam jump slightly and get knocked out of his thoughts, he soon heard his name being called and turned around to see Niall jogging up to him..

"Got Science next right?" The Irish lad asked?

Liam hummed, "Yeah, but first i need to pee.."

Niall laughed and the two boys made it to the bathroom.

Once finished, the two made their way to science, already 10 minutes late- No they wasn't doing anything dirty, you dirty minded readers- they had to walk from one half of the school to the other.


Science soon ended, and the two boys left, with a warning to not be late again.

The two "populars" made their way to the lunch hall, when the got stopped by none other than Dan..

Dan used to be a friend of the two boys back in the day, when they all went to primary school together.

For some reason, as soon as they started secondary school, Dan changed, one day he was buddies with the boys, next he was pushing the boys into walls, stealing books from them, graffitiing their lockers..

And ever since, 4 years on, Dans still, well you can say "bullying" them.

"What do you want?" Liam seethed, pushing Niall behind him as he whimpered.

"Awww, is little baby Niall scared?" Dan chuckled.

Niall clutched Liams t-shirt as Liams blood boiled, "You're the fucking reason his knee is all fucked up"

You see, a few months ago, Liam was ill, so Niall went to school on his own, that day ended up with him in hospital.

Basically, Dan saw that Niall was on his own, so when the last bell went, and Niall was planning to leave, Dan and his friends crowded Niall by the back off the school and beat him up so bad, his knee cap shattered, and a bone in his leg, broke so bad, that Niall needed emergency surgery to put pins and plates in his leg.

That day when Liam found out, he promised himself he would get revenge..

Dan chuckled and moved closer to Liam, "Oh, I'm sorry"

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