Chapter Eight-Part Two

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Hello, here is Part Two(:

Do any of you like Union J's new song Beautiful Life? I love it(:

Anyway enjoy part two


It's been a few hours, since Louis spanked Liam for no reason.

Currently none of the boys are speaking to Louis, which is making him feel more upset at every passing minute.

At the moment, Liam is cuddled into Niall and Zayn and Harry sitting on the other sofa, leaving Louis, in his room, to cry his guilt away with no such luck.

'I'm such a screwup'

'You,Louis Tomlinson are an idiot'

'No wonder, everyone hates you' (A/N this is just for the story,I love Louis!(:)

Louis whispers to his reflection in his wall mirror.

He signed before turning away and making his way to the living room, where the rest of the boys were.

Once he entered, all the boys turned and gave him a death glare, which made Louis shrink back.

'What do you want?' Harry asked, annoyed that Louis didn't stay in his room.

'I came to apologise.' Louis whispered back, not daring to look into any of the boys eyes.

'Don't you think you've done enough?' Harry shouted back, making tears gather into Louis eyes.

'Harry calm down, he has the right to apologise, now go ahead, and Harry if you use that tone again in this house, you will be over my knee, got it?' Zayn butted in, rather annoyed by Harry's behaviour.

'You will be over my knee' Harry mocked Zayn, this making Zayn go red in the face and grabbing Harry and drag him upstairs.

Once Zayn and Harry was out of sight, Louis turned to Niall, who nodded, letting Louis start his apology. 

'I'm so so sorry, I should have listened to you or at least let you explain, I guess I was just scared about Zayn, and then when you got mobbed, I just lost it, I'm so sorry Li, Please forgive me?' Louis practically begged, afraid that Liam won't forgive him.

'I forgive you, I love you Lou' Liam said, Louis let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding, then all of a sudden Liam jumped out of Niall's lap and into Louis' arms, making both boys fall to the floor, both laughing quietly.


(A/N I know Zayn isn't old enough to spank Louis or Harry, but I didn't have no one else to use, and Louis was making up with Liam(:)

Upstairs, Harry was bent over the bed, bared, getting the paddle, he was 15 out of 30, he was laying limply over the bed, screaming out everytime the paddle connected to his brusing backside. Zayn landed the last 15 quickly,but hard, on Harry's upper thighs, making him sob into the bed.

Zayn picked up the sobbing boy, holding him close to his chest, whispering sweet nothings into his ear, trying to calm him own, it took around 5 minutes for Harry to calm down, then he fell asleep on Zayn, who gently pulled up his boxers, took his trousers off completely then laid him down on his bed, kissing his head, before exiting the room, letting the punished boy sleep.

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