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Sorry if people thought this was an update..

Basically im just writing this to say i wont be able to update for at least a week since ive messed up my hand again:/

Long story short.. in school around 2/3 weeks ago this boys caught my hand in the door and it snapped some of the tendons in my hand. So know my left isnt as strong as my right and i shouldnt really be using my left..

When i update i use both hands and didnt realise ive been making my hand worse by typing.. yesterday i went shopping and held some boxes and bags for my sister and basically my hand snapped again.. so its gone all dead and i cant use, type or hold anything with my left hand for atleast a month or longer.

So im currently writing this with my right and its taken me like 30 minutes so imagine me updating:/

anyway thought ill let you know why i wont be updating..

hope none of you mind..

i promise when im better ill do a double update:)



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