Chapter Thirty Eight!

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Sorry for not updating in long time!

I would have updated last week, but my nan went into hospital, then I had homework,then I did the sport relief tun yesterday, so I didn't have much time:)

I made this prompt myself!

But please send me some in or I won't be able to update!


*Zayn POV*

Bored, bored, bored,bored.

Did I mention I was bored?

Well I am, Harry and louis has put me on "baby sitting" dutie today, since they are out recording vocals.

I had to look after Niall, whilst Liam and Wisslan went out shopping.

They also said I could spank Niall if he's naughty, but could I really spank my poor little leprechaun?

I was knocked out of my thoughts when I heard a crash coming from the kitchen, I jumped up and ran to the kitchen to see Niall stood there with a football by his feet and the small table in the corner that held a lamp and spare cups was shattered.

Usually if Harry or Louis was home, Niall would be getting the spanking of his life right now, but I can't spank him, I can't hurt my little leprechaun.

Niall lifted his head and made eye contact with me, "I'm sorry Zayn, please don't spank me, please"

I walked forward and pulled him into a hug, "hey shush, it's alright, Im not gonna spank you, I know it was an accident"

Niall sniffled and hug me tighter, "Really?"

I nodded my head, "Yeah"

*Few Hours Later, 3rd person POV*

Niall's been bad all day, but Zayn didnt have  the heart to spank him.

Niall was currently watching an R Rated film, when the boys walked in.

Louis walked in and stared at Zayn, "What the hell has happened here?"

Zayn gulped as Niall stood up and paused the film,"Um nothing,why?"

Louis walked forward and gripped my arm," TELL ME NOW!"

Zayn shrank back and noticed Niall doing the same, then the blonde spoke up, "I kicked my football and knocked over the table, I swore at Zayn, slammed doors and watched an r rated film"

Louis and Harry looked pissed, "WHAT?!?"

Harry stepped forward and stood next to Louis, "did Zayn spank you?"

Niall shook his head and let a few tears escape, Harry stepped forward and gripped Zayn's arm, "You" SMACK "corner" SMACK "Now" SMACK

Zayn shrieked and ran to the corner, Louis and Harry then turned to Liam and Wisslan, "Go upstairs"

They nodded and made their way upstairs, when the heard the door close, they turned their attention to Niall.

"Ask for it" Harry seethed as he watched Louis pick out a switch.

Niall sobbed and blushed, "Harry, p-please give me a s-s-spanking"

Harry nodded and bared Niall and bent him over the couch, the same time Louis returned.

Harry looked up and got the switch, "How many?"

Louis thought a minute before replying, "Well he broke a few rules today, so for ever rule he broke 25 each"

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