Chapter Thirty-Six

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Sorry it took almost a month, I feel bad:(

Anyway this is where Wisslan gets introduced:)


*Wisslans POV*

I just got of the plane at Heathrow airport. I was on vacation for a week. I currently live in Sweden, I'm a girl but I secretly cover up my boobs with tape, so I can act and look like a boy. When I turn 18 I'm going to have a sex change. My parents kicked me out when I turned 16 after they found out I want to be a boy. Hence why I've come to London, to escape the name calling, abuse and bullying. I have short brown hair, which is slightly curly, like Harry from one direction. I also have bright blue eyes, that show my emotions, when I'm happy they go brighter, but when I'm upset or angry they show no emotion at all. I'm quite short for my age, being only 16. Girls at my school say I'm nearly as tall as Niall.Anyway enough about me back to the story.

I hopped into a cab and told the taxi driver my address. I booked myself into The Crown Court Hotel(Made up) it's really scabby apparently but hey, when you have no money or parents you book the cheapest accommodation you can afford.

I was knocked out if my thoughts when the moody,bold taxi driver said,

"Miss, we're here!"

I grumbled and said, "Thanks, keep the change" One thing about me you should learn is that I hate it when people call me miss, I'm a boy, treat me like a boy.

I got out, grabbed my suitcases and made my way to the hotel across the street. I entered the run down hotel to see a girl about my age sat behind the counter, looking bored out of her mind. I went up to her and she looked up.

I shrugged as she stared into my eyes, "Wisslan, I booked a room under the name Wisslan"

The girl did some typing on the computer, until she gave me a key, "Floor 5, room 206! Enjoy your stay!"

I mumbled a "Thanks" under my breath and made my way to the elevator, only to see a sign saying, "Out of order! please use stairs!"

I grumbled, again, and made my way up five sets of stairs, till I made it to my room, I opened the door and made my way in, to see a bed covered with flithy sheets, the wall covered in muck, bugs and graffiti.

I set my case down and made my way out to explore the London town.

*Louis' POV*

Me and the boys had the day off today, so whilst they slept and decided to take a walk.

I pulled my hoodie, sunglasses and proceeded to walk down the street.

I then spotted a person waking straight towards me, her looked up and started laughing.

I frowned, "What's so funny" I said in my "American" accent.

That only made her laugh harder, "I know your Louis, from one direction, Your accent and disguise are terrible."

I gasped and looked around making sure no one heard, "Please don't scream, do you want an autograph, picture or something"

She looked up, "Don't worry, I won't scream, I'm not really a fan"

I took a breath, "How do you know who I am then?"

She shrugged, "I've seen your pictures everywhere, anyway I'm Wisslan"

She put her hand out and I connected mine, "Louis"

She laughed again, "I know"

Just then I heard a group of girls shout, "OMG IT'S LOUIS TOMLINSON!"

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