Chapter Five

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Hello! Schools been stressful, but I thought I'll give you an update. SO enjoy, I'll update either tomorrow or Sunday.


Lately Niall has been feeling left out. You see all Harry's and Louis' attention has been around Zayn. All week Niall has been locked up in his room, only coming down for food, but when he does all he hears is 'Zayn this, Zayn that.'

So he has come up with idea to get back at Zayn, since Zayn is the one who made Niall have a sore bum for days (A/N read chapter two if ya forgot.)

Currently Liam, Louis and Harry are out, leaving Zayn and Niall in the house. Time for payback Niall thought to himself.

He quietly ran downstairs, picked up Zayn's football and threw it at the lamp, knocking it on the floor,making it smash into pieces.

Niall quickly put Zayn's ball right next to the broken lamp and ran back up stairs, leaning agaisnt the door, waiting for the boys to return.

A few minuted later the boys returned, then a moments later Niall heard Louis' booming voice shouting 'ZAYN MALIK, GET YOUR ARSE DOWN HERE NOW!'

Niall thought this was the right time to exit his room, walking slowly down the stairs to see Liam and Harry slowly walking up the stairs, Zayn in the corner and Louis pacing back and fouth, mumbling to him self.

'Everything alright Lou?' Niall questioned, smirking slightly.

'No, Troublemaker over there broke my lamp, and he keeps lieing saying it wasnt him.'

Niall felt a little guilty about getting Zayn in trouble, but quickly brushed it off, after remebering what Zayn did to him.

'Alright, Lou, i'll be in my room  with the other boys, so you can sort him out.'

Once Niall left and he heard his bedroom door shut. He marched ove rto Zayn and turned him around, dragging him over his lap, pulling Zayn's trousers and boxers in a quick motion, making Zayn whimper.

'Do you know why, you are getting this spanking' Louis asked the now shaking boy ove his lap.

'I have no idea, I didn't do nothing wrong.'

'Stop lieing and tell me the damn truth!'


'Watch the attuitde young man, you are in enough trouble as it is, Now you are getting 50 with my hand okay?'

Zayn whimpered by none the less nodded his head.

Louis started with out warning slamming the first smack down in the middle of Zayn's bum, making him gasp in pain.


The next 14 all fell randomly onto Zayn's bum, by this point Zayn was silently crying, wishing for the spanking to be over.


The next ten, all fell on Zayn's sitspots, after the last swat Louis felt Zayn fall limp over his lap.

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