Chapter FiftyEight

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Hey Guys:)

I shouldnt really be updated with my hand.. but i was bored and needed something to do..

im writing this on my phone anyway.. which is a lot easier.



Did any of you see Louis' mums wedding pictures?

She looked so cute and happy:)


Niall and Harry are left at home and Harry breaks something on purpose so Niall spanks him 150 times with the paddle and Harry stands in the corner with his bum on display until Louis gets home and he can't calm down enough to tell the boys so Niall has to confess? Then Niall receives what he gave Harry?


Nialls Pov

So Louis had the brilliant idea of leaving me and Harry home alone.

Now why Louis did that for i'll never know..

He knows we cant be trusted that much and he turns around and leaves us here..

Whilst they go do the shopping and have a meeting with Simon.. which me and Harry wasnt allowed to attend for some stupid reason.

So instead of both of us being lazy arses we're playing football in the house.

I know.. I bet your all reading this and thinking "Why they doing that.. they know they will get into trouble"

But hey oh.. YOLO! (A/N HATE THAT WORD..)

We finshed playing with the football around 5 minutes ago.

I went to sit down when I heard a crash from the kitchen. 

I stood up to investigate when I saw Harry stood in the kitchen, glass surrending his sock-covered feet and him standing there with a smirk on his face.

Wait- What a smirk?

Does he find this funny?

He's stood in glass and he's smirking about it?

Weird child..

Anyway since I head shoes on since i was going to pop into the garden and put the football back. I walked over to Harry and slung him over my shoulders.

"What the f**k?" He screamed as he starting slamming his fists into my back, "Let me down!"

(A/N Sorry guys! I cant write the full swear word out.. last time I did my story became rated R and I dont want that to happen again..)

I stopped and slapped himm bum twice, "Now, would you rather walk through the glass and have me or one of the boys pick the glass out or would you rather me carry you?"

He huffed and went limp over my shoulder, his assualt on my back came to a stop too, "Thats what I thought"

Once in the living room I placed him down and watched as he surried to the sofa, I sat down next to him, "What did you do?"

He lifted his head and gulped, "I was bored and you wouldnt play football with me anymore" he signed and wiped away the few tears.

I stood up in anger and pulled him up and over the sofa, pulling everything off even his shirt, only leaving him in socks, "What you did was stupid, IF YOU WAS BORED YOU SHOULD HAVE CAME TO ME!"

I landed a few swats here and there whilst speaking to Harry.

I left Harry, knowing he wouldnt be stupid enough to leave where I left him and went and got the paddle.

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