Chapter Sixty Seven!

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Im back!

I cant remember who sent me the prompt cos ive lost it, but it was something like:

Louis is feeling left out, cos the boys are doing other things, so he starts to prank them to get there attention. All expect Liam. when the three boys realise that those two are the suspects. So when Louis dont admit it, they both get spanked. Liam dont speak to any of them, so Louis tells the boys out of guilt. he gets spanked again but then gets loads of cuddles:)

Thanks to who ever sent the prompt:)


Taylor swift or Harry Styles?

Sorry just had to:P

OH MY GOD GUYS! IM MEETING OVERLOAD ON THE 28TH OF OCTOBER! If you dont know who they are, watch the video on the side--->



Louis-16 years old

Niall and Liam-18 years old

Zayn and Harry- 20 years old


*Louis POV*

"Zayn can I come with you?" I asked him, He's going out with Niall and Harry to the theme park. Liam aint going cos he dont like heights.

"No!" He seethed back, "You can stay here and keep Liam company! We've seen enough of you this week"

Ouch that hurt!

"Okay!" I mumbled, walking away,

I heard the front door close and they sound of the tv being put on.

I stayed up stairs, until an idea popped into my head.

I've decided im gonna prank the boys, 

First with Harry: I found an old air horn and stuck it to his wall, so everytime he opens it, it will go off.

Secondly Niall: I got his oreos from his mini fridge in his room and licked all the cream off and replaced it with tooth paste. I put them all back, like nothing had ever happend.

And Finally Zayn:I snuck downstairs and got the 2000 plastic cups we had, dont ask why we have so many i dont know. Any way I  went back up to Zayns room and filled all of them up with water and placed them in his room like literally everything. With that I left.

I went into my bathroom and wet my hair, so that Liam would think I was on the shower-he didnt hear me come down- I went downstairs.

"Hey Li! what we watching?" I asked trying to act as normal as possible.

He looked up and paused the film, "Just the Inbetweeners. How was you shower?"

I nodded,"Love this film! Yeah it was alright"

He started up the film again, By the time the boys came back, we were watching the second hangover movie, having watched the first one as well.

Harry was the first to go up to his room and the other two sat by is.

It was all silence till we heard a loud squeaky noise and Harry screaming like a girl.

Part One complete!           

I thought as Zayn and Niall went up to there rooms too.

Around five minutes later Niall came back down, looking disgusted, "Who changed my oreos to toothpaste?"

One Direction-Spanking Story(ON HIATUS TILL OTHERWISE) Where stories live. Discover now