Chapter Eight:Part Three

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Hello, this is going to be part three and the final of chapter eight(:

Hope you like it(:


It's the day the One Direction boy's see if Paul will lose his job or not. Currently they are in Simon's office, waitiing for Paul to arrive. The room was filled with tension and an uncomftable silence.

The silence was broke, when the door opened, revealing an exchuasted Paul. One Louis set eyes on him, he buried his head into Niall's chest, who he was currently cuddling.

Paul gave all the boys an apologetic smile, before sitting down, opposite of the boys and to the right of Simon. The room once again on filled with tension, before Simon broke it.

'Now, boys, what you told me on the phone, seems a little extreme, are you sure that's what Paul did to Louis?' 

All the boys gave Simon an 'Are you crazy look' before looking down at Louis, who was now shakinig slightly in Niall's arms.

'So, you are saying you don't believe us?' Zayn asked annoyed,his fists, clenching and unclenching.

'Well, I couldn't see Paul, doing something like that' Simon said back.

All the boys gave each other looks, before Liam said something that made all the boys, Paul and Simon eyes widened in shock and embrassment.

'Louis, show Simon the damage.' 

'WHAT?!?,No Liam please don't make me.' Louis begged, half upset, half embrasassed.

'Now Louis, you want to sort this out once and for all yeah?' Niall questioned the whimpereing boy in his lap.

Louis slowly nodded, before standing off Niall's lap, slowly turning around, pulling his trousers and boxer down, revealing his light purple bum, making both Simon and Paul gasp.

He quickly pulled up his trousers and boxer, before running out of the room.


All Louis could do was run and run and run, even though his legs and lungs where begging for a break. He ended up in an abandoned park, walking to the run down bench, wincing when his bum touched the seat. He pulled his knees up to his chest, placing his head onto of them, finally letting the tears go, that was being kept in far too long.

He must have been crying, for atleast 10 minutes, before he heard footsteps approaching, thinking it was one of the boys, he placed his head back into his knees, well until he was pushed of the bench, face planting the floor. He slowly turned around to see a group of teenage boys, drinking and smoking.

'Aww, look it's the little gay boy, from one direction, how's Harry doing?' One of the boys asked, pulling Louis up by his collar, why he didn't get a reply.

'ANSWER ME!' He shouted, once again he didn't get a reply of Louis, all of a sudden Louis was pushed back, instead of falling, two of the other boys, grabbed his arms, making him trapped.

The boy walked forward, pulled his fist back and connecting it to Louis' stomach, making all of the air be knocked out of him. Another two shots were thrown to his stomach, then one to his jaw. The two boys let Louis' go, smirking when he dropped to the floor, curling up into a protective ball.

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