Chapter 67

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*Taylor's POV*

"Okay, this piece goes over your back molar, so we can hear everything you say." Beau instructed, handing me a small object that looked like a tooth. I placed it in my mouth, and tested it out.

"This piece goes behind you're ear so we can hear everything the kidnapper is saying. It also allows you to hear us." Beau handed me another small object, which I placed behind my ear. "This last one is a contact lens. It will give us the ability to see everything you see." I put the contact lens in my right eye.

"How will you know where I am?" I said, looking at the worried faces from the boys.

"The molar piece is also a tracking device." Harry said. Beau instructed me through all the computer technology. I was listing intensively, but I noticed Tom looking dazed, and away from everything else.

"Beau, I think I got everything. Would you give me a minute alone with Tom?"I asked. Beau and Harry walked out of the room, giving me a small smile.

"Tom?" I asked. He looked up at me with a panicked look on his face, but he tried to hide it with a smile.

"What if we don't get there in time?" He asked.

"You will. You know why I know you will?" I asked. He shrugged his shoulders, and looked away from me. "Because if I knew you were in trouble, and needed my help, I wouldn't care what anyone said. Not the king, the queen, the president, my friends, my parents, even God. I would find you. Because that's how much I love you. And I know you would do the same for me..." I said. I felt a tear roll down my cheek. I hid my nervousness so well from everyone else. But I was scared, just like the rest of them.

Who new what would happen next? Nobody did.

"It's time to go." Beau said. Harry gave me a reassuring look, and hugged me, tight. Beau gave me the same hug, but he was shaking. He was nervous just like everyone else.

Tom kissed me, but it was unlike any other kiss I'd ever had before. I knew I had to stay alive. Not for me, but for Tom.

"One last thing before I go." I said. I reached into my bag, and handed my small handgun to Harry. "When you find the bastard who did this, kill him." I smiled to the boys, and walked out of the dorm room.

I started to walk down the hallway. It was dark, and silent. Too silent for 2:30 AM. Ecspecially on a college campus.

I continued down the pool area, unlocking the big medal doors with shaky hands. I took deep breaths, and I could feel my heart beating through my chest. There was an uncomfortable silence in the pool room. A silence in which I normally enjoyed.

I set my black duffel bag down on the bleachers, and took off my sweatsuit, leaving on only my diving suit.

"He's not here." I whispered. I looked around every where again. But no one was there.

"Just keep waiting, Taylor. Eventually someone will come." Harry said. I shook my head. I begin stretching on the floor, making as much of a scene as possible. Trying to draw attention to myself. But the pool room remained silent. Not a single person in there.

"Keep going Taylor. You're doing great."Beau whispered. I began to stand up and get in the water, when I heard the front doors to the pool room slam shut.

"What the hell was that?!" I yelled.

"Don't move!" Harry yelled into my earpiece.

I looked every where around me, but couldn't find the person who was in the room. I felt myself getting nervous again, almost having an anxiety attack.

"Congratulations. You're the last girl standing." I turned around, and saw him. He was standing there, wearing all black from head to toe.

"Who are you?" I yelled. He just chuckled.

"You know exactly who I am." He said. I got confused. I knew that voice. I just couldn't put a finger on who it was.

"Did you kill them?" I asked, afraid of the next response.

"Not yet. I wanted you all together before I did it. So you're coming with me... and then I'll decided what to do with you later." He said, and he grabbed my wrist. I tried to run away, but he was too strong.

"Let go of me!" I yelled. I completely ignored the plan now, I just wanted to get out of there. But he threw a bag over my head, and dragged me out of there, kicking and screaming.

"HELP!" I yelled.

"Don't worry Taylor! We're coming!" Harry and Beau yelled in my ear.

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