Chapter 17

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***Olivia's POV***

Break into a station? We can't just do that. The idea's a bit crazy to me. We're just a group of college kids do we really want to do this? "Ok subject change please! So...Olivia, Taylor told us about your thing for a certain boy named Zayn." Brittany gave me a mischievous look and nudged me. Oh wow. "Yeah I've been meaning to ask where you were at 3am the other night?" Taylor added. All eyes turned to me and I could feel myself start to blush. "I couldn't sleep ok?" I responded. "So did you think some Zayn sex would make it better?" Steph teased and the girls laughed. I shifted in my seat uncomfortable.

"He's just a friend. I don't want another Toby." I stated. At the mention of his name the atmosphere changed. All of a sudden, a tension sat in and Taylor's mood changed. She got this mad look on her face but stayed calm.

"So anyways Brittany and Harry have a thing too." Stephanie said, trying to keep the conversation going. She rolled her eyes. "Don't even go there." Brittany said as she took a sip of her drink. "See how it feels?" I said jokingly. "But she really does like him. I can tell! They basically stalk each other!" Steph pointed out. Brittany slammed her drink on the table. "NO! THAT'S ALL HIM! NOT ME AT ALL OK?" She defended herself. "Someone's blushing." Taylor giggled and Brit gave her a look.

"It's true! Harry and our little Brittany are crazy in love but I want to hear more about Zayn! We haven't been told much." Steph said and looked to me for information. " his name is Zayn?" "No shit, Sherlock. Seriously though. Spill!" Taylor said. "Ok he's in my photography class and he's basically my only friend there so we kind of bond I guess? But in a friend way. Except sometimes when I'm talking to him he'll get a text or call and just have to leave. Like on the first day of the photography, he was pulled out of the class early by some mysterious guy." Everyone had been listening intently. "Weird...I thought he seemed cool but maybe he's hiding something." Brittany suggested. "Drug dealer possibly?" Stephanie said. I noticed Taylor hadn't said anything. I know for a fact she likes Zayn and wants me to date him. But it's not going to happen. I'm not ready for a relationship yet. At least that's what I keep telling myself.

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