Chapter 69

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*Beaus POV*

As soon as the man turned around, we all just went down on our stomach. I could hear all the boys breathing heavily, scared but we just looked at each other and waited. Waited 2 minutes.

"What was that?" Tom whispered. "You think he saw us?" Harry ask nervously.

"I don't know man. I just stepped on a twig." I responded to both as I put my head up to look if the man was still there.

"Is he there?" Tom asked.

"No." I whispered back.

We came out of our hiding place and walk/run towards the house and kept our guards up the whole way there.

When we got to the side of the house we had to think of what we will do next. What if they weren't alive? What if we got here to late? What if the man knows were here ? But I push my thoughts aside and looked at the boys.

"So what's next?" Harry asked whispering

"Well we could just look around to find any kind of clues right??" Tom replied with the tone of voice as Harry did.

"We stick together or-?" I started to ask them when Harry interrupted me " no. We're sticking together. We don't know how many people are in there and what they are capable of."

And we didn't argue but just nodded in agreement.

We all stayed in line body against the house brick wall as we marched towards the back trying to find anything. Clues, windows, anything. I was looking for basement windows, Tom was looking at windows on the first floor while Harry looked on the ground around the house for clues.

As we got towards the back of the house, I found a window. A small one with bars blocking someone from getting out or in. I stopped but the other boys didn't see my stop and stumbled over my body.

" ouch." Harry moaned

"What's happening.. Why you stop" Tom continued as he took his hand to take off the dirt on his jeans.

" shh...guys." I told them back.

They both stopped talking and waited for me to tell them why we stopped here.

" look.." As I told them to get on their knees. They did and both gasped.

" it's-it''s them." Harry said.

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