Chapter 54

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***Olivia's POV***

"Olivia! GET UP! NOW!" I felt hands shaking me. My mascara streaked eyes fluttered open and standing there was Taylor, with a frantic look on her face. I could tell something isn't right. "Brittany." The name escaped her mouth and just like that, I knew. My lips parted in shock and I could feel the pounding in my head becoming stronger. I sprang up out of bed and ran down to her dorm with Taylor right behind me. The door was closed and I slammed my wrists hard against it. "BRITTANY!" I shouted, my voice raspy from the night before. I rammed myself inside and desperately searched the room like a crazy person. "Olivia stop!!!" Taylor said as I threw the drawers full of clothes on the ground. I was searching in ridiculous places. What's going on with me? I'm not just hungover, I'm breaking from the stress. First Steph, now Brit. For all we know, they could be dead. Lying in a ditch somewhere unknown. I felt Taylor grab onto my shoulders, stopping me. I turned to face her, and burst into tears. The tears I had been hiding ever since the day Amanda died. Taylor hugged me and I let everything out. "They're both gone. You could be next. Or me? What's happening to them? I can't do this. I can't handle the stress of not knowing if my best friends are safe." I rambled hysterically as pools of tears swam down my face onto Taylor's shoulder. My sobs eventually slowed down and I began to collect myself a little. I was in the middle of drying my eyes with a Kleenex when Tom came in the room."Um...hi. You're needed in the dorm office." He said awkwardly. Taylor glared at him. "Let's go." She said simply and lead me to the office. We walked through the hall into the office of the dorm official, Cara. "Girls! Have a seat." She smiled at us and gestured to the leather couch. Harry was also seated and glanced at us as we walked in the room. He looked pale and the usual cheeky spark in his eyes was gone. I sat beside him and patted his hand assuringly. I know he's just as scared as we are. "Well, I'm assuming you all know why you're here." Cara said. We nodded but no one said anything. "Brittany has disappeared. I understand that you are her closest friends on campus?" Again, we all nodded. "Do you have any idea where she might be? I also know that Stephanie has been missing also. Is this...related?" Cara's eyes examined us suspiciously. Taylor cleared her throat. "We don't know what's going on." She stated. "Listen. You kids are getting involved in the wrong game. So do yourselves a favor and stay out of this. Be careful." Cara knows something. I can tell by the way she talks to us. She suspects something of us. What if she knows about our stealing the police records? I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. "Um...can we go now?" Harry asked, his voice cracking slightly. She nodded and tapped her long nails against her maple desk. "Remember, here at this school we don't mess around." Cara said as she closed the door behind us. Harry, Taylor and I stood in the hall for a moment. Our silence said more than our words could. We didn't ask for this. No one would ever ask for this. I want my friends back. I want my life back. I want everything to be ok.

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