Chapter 39

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*Brittany's POV*

I shinned the light in the water even though I knew she would never be there. I was starting to get frustrated. I just needed answers. Where is she? Is she out on purpose? Or is she in trouble? All of this is starting to sound fishy and I'm wondering if these are all clues leading to one thing. I'm scared out of my mind.

"Uh guys.. Now that I think about it, are we safe being out here after what happened to Stephanie?" Olivia asked nervously.

"Yeah, let's look more in the morning. She may be back by then! Who knows." Zayn said coming up next to Olivia, slithering his arm around her waist.

"I don't want to stop." Beau said burying his hands in his face.

"Beau, we will try to get the police on it. We can't put ourselves into more danger. I'm so sorry." Harry said patting him on the back.

Taylor and Tom kept searching around, and Olivia and Zayn were heading back. I wanted to stay and help a friend, but I knew that there was no chance of actually finding her. And we were just putting ourselves in more danger. Tom and Taylor slowly started heading back, and then Harry and I walked back, still looking along the way. I shinned the flashlight into the tall grass by the edge of the lake and still found nothing. Beau was still sat on the dock. He didn't want to leave, but he knew soon enough that he would have to.

Once I arrived back to my dorm, it felt empty without Steph. It was quiet and I needed someone to be laughing with me like she would do. I started to become worried sick.

What is going through her mind right now? Where is she? Is she okay? Is she hurt? Is she... Dead?

When the thought of her being dead crossed my mind, I started crying. I already lost one best friend, I'm not ready to loose another. I squeezed my eyes shut and crawled into a ball on my bed. I looked over to her bed an imagined her sitting on it, watching tv, talking to me, eating, texting, laughing. Anything but dead. I just want to know if she is anything but dead. If she dies, I don't know how I will handle it this time.


It has been about two hours since I got back, with it now being 12:45 at night and I haven't done a thing. I am wide awake and scared to death. Knowing that she is out there, helpless and weak, with no one looking for her. It just makes me hate myself that I can't do anything.

I started to think back to how Stephanie was saying Beau was sending her directions to their date. Well obviously that was who kidnapped her. If only I had her phone, I would probably be able to track them, but I don't even know where Stephanie herself is.

Wait... If they were sending her texts starting from her dorm, then they must know where our dorm is. And since they know who Steph is, they know her well enough that I am one of her best friends... And roommates. That mean... They know where I am... Alone...

Just then I heard fast knocks on my door and I almost died. I didn't answer it of course. I started crying and I ran to the door, checking if it was locked. When I saw it was, I ran to my bed and started freaking out. I grabbed my phone and called Harry, my hand shaking. It only took two rings and he picked up.

"Harryhelpthereissomeoneatmydoorohmygodhelpme!" I whisper cried really fast.

He just started chuckling and u was starting to get worried.

"HARRY! I'm not kidding come help me oh my god I'm going to die." I whispered into the phone.

"It's meee." he laughed.

"Oh." I said and hung up running towards the door.

I swung the door open and glared at Harry leaning against my door frame. "AHH!" Harry said tackling me pretending to be a killer.

"Harry stooop!" I giggled as he ticked me on the ground in the hallway of our dorm.

"Noo, I must kidnap you first!" he joked, and tickled me everywhere. I'm not surprised if we woke up the students next door.

"Harry seriously!" I yelped.

"On one condition..." he smirked. I raised my eyebrow and he said, "A kiss" Cheeky boy he is.

I grabbed his neck and pulled myself up from laying underneath him and kissed his cheek, squirming from out under him.

I ran over to the bed and flopped down exhausted. Harry stood up disappointed and closed the door. He walked over slowly and say down next to me in my bed. I scooted over and laid my legs out next to his and I crossed my feet over his, playing with each others toes. He wrapped his arms around me and I leaned my head in his chest, cuddling with him.

"I wanted to come here. With everything going on, I want to be here with you at all times. I can't imagine what would happen if I lost you." he said kissing my forehead.

I smiled and relaxed in his arms. He kept kissing my head and neck, making me get goosebumps.

I kept thinking about Steph, and I was getting so upset. But in Harry's arms, he was helping me through it all.

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