Chapter 21

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***Olivia's POV***

-5 Days Later-

"OLIVIA!! Get your lazy ass up it's morning." Brittany jumped on my bed while Steph hit me with a pillow. "We gotta get an early start!! We have to finalize some plans." Taylor said. I sat up and rubbed my tired eyes. "Why so early?" I asked sleepily. "Taylor has some classes today. In a bit." Steph explained. "Oh...k. Let's start planning." I said as I adjusted my blankets. "Aren't ya gonna get up and get ready?" Brittany asked. "Nah bro! I'm comfortable here and I don't have enough energy to move." I replied. "Too many late nights with Zayn? Where do you guys go anyways? Taylor told us you're always gone when she wakes up for her early morning swims." Steph gave me a sly smile. Taylor tried her best to avoid my stare. Ugh i knew she'd tell. "Shut up it's too early to deal with teasing." I said. She was right though, I had been spending a lot of time with Zayn. More than I'd like to admit actually.

"Ok let's start! I brought a notebook and this pen that smells like Berries!" Brittany said excitedly as she handed me the pen and a notebook with flowers on it. "Ewww berries." Steph and I said in synch. We all giggled a bit. "Ok so this is where we are." I said as I drew a little building. "And this is the bus stop." I said as I drew a line connecting the building to a sign I drew. "So if we take the bus at 11:34 exactly, we'll arrive at the station around midnight." I said, drawing a crude little bus in front of another building. "Wow Liv that bus looks like a badly drawn horse." Steph pointed out. "Well we can't all be artists now can we?" I retorted. "So when we get there I think Brittany should distract the person at the desk." Taylor suggested. "Me? What? How?" Brittany was a bit confused on the idea. "I don't know just be freaking out because you lost your cat or something! You'll figure it out you're smart." Taylor said. "And then I unlock the door to the records room and Olivia and Taylor dig through the files while I keep watch." Stephanie said.

"Whoever finds it first say...hmmm...we need codewords. And codenames...I call Snowbird!" Oh Brittany, this is why she's one of my best friends. "Whoever finds it first say Smoothie, if you hear someone coming say Taco, and when we're ready to go say Bagel. Ok? Everyone clear on that?" I said as I scribbled down the codes. "I'll be Snowbird, Taylor will be Firewolf, Steph will be Sunfox and Liv will be Mooneagle." Brittany grabbed the pen and wrote them down. "What lovely hippie names Brit!" Steph said sarcastically and we all laughed. "Ok so I guess all we have to do after we get the files is escape right?" Taylor said. I nodded. "Pretty much! We'll be back in the dorm before 2!"

"Which leaves you plenty of time for a little late night chat with Zayn." Brittany winked at me and I threw a pillow at her. "She's blushing again!!!" Steph pointed out and I pulled the comforter over my face. "Ok so if we're all clear on the plan I kinda have to go." Taylor said as she picked up her bag to leave. "Bye! See you tonight!" We all said goodbye as Taylor walked out the door to her class. Well, we have a plan and we're ready for tonight and we'll have ourselves some police reports by morning. Hopefully.

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