Chapter 68

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*Harry's POV*



"RUN.. RUN!!"

My breathing quickened as my legs pushed harder and harder against the campus floors beneath me.

"QUICK, HURRY, OPEN THE DOOR", Tom commanded Beau as we approached the pool area.

My eyes were wide and my hands were slightly shaking as we frantically entered the moist room. I looked to find Taylor, but it seems like she's gone. I tried to listen for a sign of her screaming, but all I could hear was the panting of our breathes and the shuffling of our feet, searching around the room.

"SHIT THIS ISNT GOOD GUYS." Tom yelled, running his hands through his hair stressfully.

I ran over to the diving board and saw it was recently used, due to the splashes of water scattered on it like broken glass.

Just before I called them over to take a look, Beau called out to us. "GUYS QUICK- THERE THEY ARE- HURRY" He whisper yelled and ran out towards the pool.

As I was running, I flashed back to what Taylor told me. "When you find the bastard who did this, kill him." She smoothly spoke, handing me a hand gun. Now that I see him in the distance, with Taylor under his arm, approaching his vehicle, I just couldn't do it. I reached into my jacket pocket and took out the gun, slowing my pace. My hands shook as I slowly pointed it in his direction.

Beau turned around first and he stopped dead in his tracks. He was a dear in headlights. I'm pretty sure I didn't look any more reassuring however. I opened my mouth to say something, failing though as I was lost of all my words.

Tom turned around next and looked at me like I was crazy. His look although was a different crazy. He actually thought I was crazy for not shooting him already.

"GIVE ME THAT" he whisper yelled as he darted towards me. As he yanked on the gun, I held on tight, not allowing him to grab it. Everything was happening so fast, and as I glanced over at the car, the man was frantically shoving Taylor into the back seat.

Beau came over and tore Tom off of me, "If we shoot him now, we won't know where the other girls are."

"GOD DAMNIT TAYLOR IS WITH THE GUY RIGHT NOW, WE NEED TO GO" Tom gritted through his teeth as he took off and ran towards his car two isles away from the mans.

We quickly hopped into Tom's car and I saw the man with Taylor driving ahead of us already.

"RIGHT THERE" I yelled pointing to the black car, speeding away in the night.

Tom stepped on it, although he made sure not to look too obvious that we were following him.

"What will we do when we get there?!" Beau yelled nervously.

"We should call the cops" I told Tom demandingly.

"WHAT ARE THEY GOING TO DO!? WE DON'T EVEN KNOW WHERE WE ARE GOING, HOW AR-" Tom ranting, but I cut him off. "-IM SORRY IM JUST FREAKING OUT, I DON'T WANT TO DIE EITHER." I let out, my chest rising dramatically as I took a deep breath.

It was silent for a minute as that processed in our brains. I guess we didn't really think of that part. Who knows what that guy is hiding there. He could suspect we are coming. What if he kills us all? He is a man with many weapons, and obviously isn't afraid to use them. How would we even break them out anyways? We are just three little college boys. What do we know? For all I know, the girls could be dead right now, and if we went to try to save them, all we could be doing is getting ourselves killed along with them.

Wait... What am I even saying? If Brittany is dead, I don't really care about what happens to ME. I would actually be happy if I died too, so I could be in heaven along side her... And I know all the boys feel the same.

But we really can't think like that. Right now, we are following the man, and we are going to get our girls back. Everything will be ok. I mean, it has to be ok, right?

"He turned up there" Beau finally spoke to Tom, breaking our silence. Tom turned left, following the car up the road. We went down a thin dirt road surrounded by many trees and a few little houses out in the distance every once in a while.

He then parked up at one of the house at the end of the street. It was a pretty big, one story house, surrounded by many trees. Just a typical house that you would find in the middle of the forest, I guess. But this isn't just an ordinary house, it's full of secrets. And inside those secrets contains the lives of many loved ones, who haven't done anything wrong.

Tom parked a few house back and we quietly got out of the car and lightly ran to the house.

The man was running to get Taylor out of the car, not noticing us at all, when Beau ran and stepped on a twig as we were closely approaching the house.

The man dropped Taylor motionless onto the pebble covered driveway, landing with a thud. He turned his head and narrowed his eyes, searching the premises.

That's when I ducked behind a tree, and my life changed forever.

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