Chapter 34

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*Taylor's POV*

It was the next night, a Monday night. Liv went on her big date with Zayn yesterday, which was really cute.

But today was my day.

It was my birthday.

I was never really big on parties, so I was just going to The Park, the fanciest restaurant on campus, and having dinner with Tom, Steph, Brit, Harry, Zayn, Liv, and Beau.

Only Amanda was missing, but I tried to forget about it.

"Okay, okay, my present next!" Tom yelled, handing me a small box wrapped in shiny blue paper. I opened it up to see a necklace with the Olympic rings on them.

"Uh...?" I asked, confused.

"I got accepted into the Olympics next year. I'm gonna be in the Olympics!" He said, smiling and hugging me.

"That's amazing! I'm so proud of you. I'll wear this necklace for support then?" I giggled, putting the necklace on.

"I'M NEXT!" Liv yelled, smiling.

"Okay, what's your present?" I asked. She bent down, and reached in her tote bag. She pulled out a small, fluffy white puppy.

"Oh my god a puppy! It's adorable Liv!!" I said, pulling him into my lap.

"What's his name?" Harry asked, smiling that cheeky smile he always does.

"Squishy." I said, giggling.

"Great name..." Tom said, petting the dog.

"Shut up guys. He's my puppy. And he shall be my Squishy." I said.

After opening all the presents, which included 2 tickets to Coldplay from Steph, for me and Steph, a framed picture of all of us bowling from Harry and Zayn, with the team names and everything, and from Brit, a spa gift certificate, for all 4 of us girls.

"Thank you all so much, this was so sweet." I said, hugging everyone.

"Wait, there's one more!" Harry yelled, handing me the box wrapped in black paper.

"Who's this from?" I asked, and looked around. Everyone shrugged their shoulders.

"No, seriously. Who is this from?" I asked again.

"Not me." said Brit and Liv.

"I don't think any of us?" Steph said, biting her lip.

I ripped off the black wrapping paper slowly, scared of what I'd find inside. After all the wrapping paper was off, it revealed a plain white box.

I took the top off, and saw a shoring buried at the bottom. I pulled the shirt out, confused at what was happening.

I instantly recognized the shirt.

It was the shirt Amanda was wearing that night, the night that she was... killed.

I looked at the shirt, and saw traces of blood all over it.

"Tay, are you okay?" Zayn asked. I shook my head.

"Amanda... shirt... kill... blood." I felt myself getting dizzy, and then everything went black.


Hey. It's Taylor, one of the authors! Just saying that this is about to get superrrr intense. Hope you're ready. (:


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