Chapter 22

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*Taylor's POV*

"Bye, Liv. I'll see you later, to you know. Take the... thing?" I said. She laughed.

"Bye Tay."

I walked out of the dorm to my class today. It wasn't with Tom this time, which was a first for both of us. We were usually inseparable. But he was doing Olympic training, so it was just me. In class. By myself.

I walked into the chemistry lab, and was the first one there. I took a seat up front (as usual) and began writing my name on the paper that was at my desk. The rest of the class came in the room in groups, leaving the seat next to me the only empty seat. I know if Amanda was here, she would have sat with me. She was always with us girls. We were "us girls" because of her.

"Welcome class, I'm Mr. Handler. You're first assignment tonight will be..." he was cut off by the door being slammed open, and someone bursting through the room.

"Sorry I'm late." He said. I glanced up from my notebook, to see Toby. I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"Take a seat Mr. Anderson." He said. Of course the only available seat was the one next to me. He sat down with a smirk. Our teacher handed us packets to work on with our "seating partners." I slowly turned to Toby.

"Okay. If two atoms come toge-" he cut me off mid-sentence.

"Cut the crap, Vortelli. We need to talk." He said, whispering.

"About what?" I asked. He just smiled.

"Did you tell your little barbie friends or your diver boyfriend about what you saw that night?" He asked.

"N-no." I stuttered.

"Good. Don't plan on telling anyone." He said, biting his lip.

"Were you cheating on Olivia? With amanda?" The question just popped out, and I couldn't control it.

"We were in love. I just didn't have the guts to break up with Olivia. Besides, now she has art-freak as her boyfriend." He said.

"Art-freak has a name. And it's Zayn." I said. He rolled his eyes.

"Like I care? So... how's diving?" He asked. Why would he care? God I hated him.

"Let's work. Okay? I don't have time for your mind games. I'm not here to be friends with you. I'm here to get college credits. So, shut up and do your damn work." I said.

The rest of the class was just me and Toby arguing about the "right" answer to the questions.

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