Chapter 15

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*Brittany's POV*

"And she willlll be lovedddd" I softly sang as I walked down the path to the arts building on the west side of the university. I was heading over to Chorus. The only place I felt alive. When I was singing, I felt at home. I felt alive. It did something to me that I never thought anything else could do.

"She willll be lo-o-o-oved" I mumble sang some more as was coming closer to the brick building surrounded by beautiful green trees. There were a few other girls and boys heading in my direction and smiled thinking, 'I will probably be friends with them by the end of the year'. Anyone who I sang with, instantly made me feel better. I almost automatically liked them.

Right as I approached the giant glass door to the building, a hand was placed in front of mine, trying to open the door for me. "Thank y-" I started to say as I looked up at the person then stopped and my facial expression changed.

"Harry, stop following me! Get to class." I said and tried to pull the door open but the gently pushed me out of the way.

"I got it." he said holding the door open for me.

I just kind of stood there, hesitating to enter. I finally just jerked forward and entered. He followed shortly after. "Thanks." I mumbled.

"What was that?" Harry smirked, obviously hearing me the first time.

"Thanks!" I yelled sarcastically. "Thanks for stalking me all the way to my class. You can go now." I said shoving him back towards the door. This boy is seriously getting on my last nerve.

He quickly swerved back around and continued walking down the hall and up the stairs to the second story of the arts building where the chorus room was located.

"As much as you wish I was following you, I'm not." he said looking over his shoulder back at me. We finally arrived at the classroom and he once again held to door open for me. "Because this is my class as well. This isn't YOUR class. It's the class you are taking. Therefore I never followed you to any class, just happened to find you along th-" he was rambling while we were stood at the door.

"Okay smartass." I rolled my eyes cutting him off and headed into the familiar classroom. I saw all my old chorus buddies and ran over to them and give them little hugs. We all took off our bags and headed over to the side of the bleachers we normally sit at. I just watched Harry awkwardly stand at the side of the classroom shifting his feet in place. Good. He deserves to feel awkward. That's what he gets for always annoying me. It's like I can't escape this boy. And why is he even here!? I never knew he could sing. He probably can't. He probably just signed up because he needed another thing on his schedule. Maybe he didn't even sign up. Maybe his schedule is just messed up. Maybe he's not even in this class... He is just here to annoy me.

I was sat here, staring at him. Lost in thought. I didn't even realize I was staring at him. I was just zoned out and it happened to be on his face.

"Who's the cutie you're staring at?" my chorus friend Ellie asked smirking at me.

"Wh-what Harry? God no." I said shaking my head 'no' vigorously.

Harry obviously saw what was happening and he was chuckling to himself. Yeah well he just looks like a freak laughing in the corner to himself so jokes on him.

"Students!!! WELCOME!!!" said our teacher, Professor Hammond as she waltzed into the class from her office.

"So, I see many familiar faces," she said looking around. "And I also see a few new ones. So to start out, why don't we just introduce ourselves. Here in the vocal world, we all need to be friendly and know each other for us to really bond." she said adding hand motions left and right. She was such a sweet lady, but she really was a little crazy.

We went around the room and told each other our names and a little bit about ourselves. Everyone went and finally it was Harry's turn.

"Hi I'm Harry." he said and added a little wave. "I uh, moved here from Cheshire to pursue my dream in singing, and yeah. I'm a fun loving guy I guess." he talked. I smirked at that last comment because he sure is 'fun loving'. And annoying. And a jerk. And COCKY. He was just so full of himself and it irked me. I hate boys like that, who think they can get whoever they want so easily. I don't let a guy fall for me fast. And I especially don't fall for them back just as quickly.

"Oh so Harry, you want to be a singer huh?" Professor Hammond said intrigued. "Well, uh, why don't you sing us a little something? This is chorus after all, we all will have to sooner or later." she said nodding.

Harry just kind of sat there biting his lip in embarrassment. This should be a show.

"Okay. Uhh... What do I sing?" he said nervously. Not so cocky now huh?

"Anything my dear!" she spoke.

"Uh okay..." he said clearing his throat. He then took a deep breath and started singing.

"Isn't she lovely? Isn't she wonderful? Isn't she precious? Less than one minute old." he sang out. My jaw literally dropped to the ground. I was expecting him to sound terrible. But he is amazing. Like, really amazing. I'm completely shocked.

"And I never thought, through love we'd be making love as fine as she. Isn't she lovely made from love." he sang and smiled at the end.

"Lovely!!" Professor Hammond clapped, motioning for the rest of the class to clap along as well. "Truly lovely! What a voice you got there." she said and smiled at him.

I just sat there, semi clapping, lost in thought. How could a jerk like him have such a perfect voice? It doesn't make sense. Why couldn't the have given that voice to someone with a good personality too? I snapped out of my trance and caught a glance at chorus buds beside me. They were clapping like crazy and they were in awe. Ellie turned to me and smiled.

"He's perfect oh my goddd" she whispered. "Oh my god and he's looking at us- I call dibs." she giggled and gave him a wave. He was looking at us, but it was more at me. Was he trying to annoy me again or something?

"He's all yours." I said and looked away.

I just can't wait to get back to my normal friends who don't think this jerk is some kind of god or something.

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