Chapter 73

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*Steph's POV*


When I saw Harry and Beau come through to save us. My heart dropped. I had no words but just tears in my eyes. We all just knew this was it. It was over. No more kidnapping. No more weird man telling us things. No more nightmares. No more nothing but just safety.

As soon as they saw us, their face expression changed. Harry ran to Brittany and kissed her and hugged while Beau did the same to me. As soon as my hands were free I just wrapped them around Beaus neck and didn't let go. I just cried and cried while he hold me tightly and made hushing noises in my ears so I could calm down and telling me it's better. I believed him but i just couldn't. I hadn't been around him or any of the other for a month and i just missed it all. i just didn't want to let go because i was scared it would happen again.

"Do-do they know?" I asked him staring right into his eyes.

He kissed me before responding " I told them as soon as I realized you were gone. I had too. " he sounded like he regretted it.

" no no. Shh. Shhh." I told him. " it's okay. " and I kissed him even more.

* end of flashback.*

" sh you'll wake her up." Beau said in a hushing voice.

I woke up to realize I was in Beaus hand and was being brought back to my sweet dorm that I miss along with my bed.

" sleep with me tonight?" I asked him as he laid me down on my comfortable bed that I've missed so much. He agreed and laid right by my side. He put his arms around me and squishing my body against his, it felt safe. I didn't argue.

" I've missed you." He finally exhaled.

" and I've missed you." I responded kissing his left hand.

Brittany and Harry were on Brittany's bed laying down next to each other. " goodnight guys." Harry said. " goodnight" Beau responded.

*next day*

A lot of people came by saying they missed us, others asked questions, but we didn't feel like answering any of them. We just had simple replies. I went to see my parents and it was amazing seeing them again along with my siblings. But the boys wanted to go to the restaurant to celebrate us being back at college and being safe.

* at the restaurant*

* CHEERS TO OUR GIRLS* all the boys said in union as they raised their glasses. And we all laughed and raised ours clicking our glasses together. Everyone was so well dressed, it was an amazing night.

We all ate and had a blast before all the girls decided to go to Olivia and Taylor's dorm for a sleepover while the boys would be doing the same at Harry and Beau's dorm.

*at the sleepover*

" it's crazy. I mean one second I was all perfect and the next I was in a van." Brittany started explaining to us. We wanted to explain really in details each other what happened to understand one an other better.

"That-" Olivia started saying before she was cut off by a knock on the door.

" I'll go answer." Taylor said standing up. "Who is it?" She asked close to the door.

" it's... It's Toby." He said from the other side of the door.

" what do you want?" Olivia asked standing up beside Taylor.

" go away." I joined.

" please. I just need two seconds." He said.

" I'll keep my phone with 911 dialed, steph and I will stay on your bed while you talk to him. Scream or anything and we will call the police okay?!" Brittany said to Taylor and Olivia.

" please.." Toby continued saying from the other side.

It took them a few more arguments before they finally agreed and went to answer the door. Brittany and I went and sat on the bed, quiet enough to hear what was happening.

" what do you?" Taylor asked opening the door.

" I wanted to apologize?" He answered her.

" for what? " Olivia asked with a pitch of sarcasm.

" everything. Kid-kidnapping.." He said sounding confused with his own words.

" if that's all you want to say leave." Olivia said angrily.

" we've heard enough from you. We're tired. Just leave. " Taylor said.

" but wait... I've got a question... Why? Why all this?" Olivia asked

" I mean... It wasn't my fault. I wasn't thinking. Everything went to quickly. It's not fair. It's too weird in my head and this is why I need to go..." He told them sounding sure of his last words.

" yes. Leave this town. Leave this country. Go live far away from here. PLEASE." Taylor told him.

" no. I mean away from this god damn planet. I'm just so sorry. It hurts. My head hurts, my heart hurts, my everything." He told them.

" uh... Toby what are you doing?" Olivia asked sounding worried yet a bit happy.

Brittany and I looked at each other and went to the door look at where olivia and taglor were stabding just in time to hear

* Pewth *

We ran up behind them to see a dead body of Toby.

" what just happened ?" I gasped.

" he just... He just shot himself.. In in the head?" Taylor replied.

After that everything went nuts, Brittany dialed 911, Taylor and I ran outside to find some police man who were at the same time coming in our dorm.

We talked to them and they told us they were coming to see us. When we got back to our dorm we waited for Toby's body to be brought away before the two police man sat us down to talk to us.

" hello ladies." The first police man said.

" so you all know Toby is the one who kidnapped you all.." The second police man started.

" yes..." We all said at the same time looking at each other with weird faces.

" well we've been doing some research at the house, and everywhere to find evidence of everything. " the second police man said.

We were all just here waiting for him to tell us. This is annoying. What is it ? Can't they just tell us already?

" well. As we were looking at a gun. We saw fingerprints." The first man told us.

" well duh... I mean it's Toby's fingerprints.." I told them a bit confused on where they were going.

" no that's not what I meant.." He told me.

" then what is it?" Brittany asked him.

" I meant, we found an other pair of fingerprints. There are two murderers out there." He finished.

We just looked at each other speechless.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2013 ⏰

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