Chapter 5

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***Olivia's POV***

Everyone reacts differently. It's going to be ok. Just stop thinking about it. I rolled onto my back and stared at the ceiling. I could hear Taylor snoring slightly on the other side of the room. It's a quarter to three and I can't sleep at all. My thoughts are racing and I'm painfully thirsty. There's a vending machine down the hall, I should be able to get some Smart Water without waking anyone. I sat up and pulled my paisley comforter off of me leaving me exposed to the cold dorm air. I threw Taylor's oversized Patriots sweatshirt and grabbed a couple quarters from our emergency change cup. Leaving the door slightly ajar, i tiptoed out into the hall and glanced over my shoulder to make sure Taylor was still asleep. CRASH! I ran straight into...Zayn? "ZAYN! Why are you still awake?!" I whisper-yelled in surprise. "I was just about to ask you the same thing." Zayn said as he fixed his hair. Wow he really has amazing hair. Just so perfect...what no I didn't say that. "I just can't sleep,that's all." I replied casually. "Usually when I can't sleep it's because I have something on my mind. Wanna talk?" Zayn offered. "Um it's 3am and we'll wake everyone." I pointed out. "I know a place. Come on!" Zayn grabbed my hand and led me up to the top floor. "Oh look another hallway. Great place for a chat." I said sarcastically. He gave me a sly smile and opened up a door at the end of the hall. Inside were a few cleaning supplies and a small skylight. He opened it and climbed up out onto the roof. "Come on! Don't be shy!" Zayn called as he helped me up. "Impressive. New kid already has a little hideout." I said as I looked out over the campus. "Well I'm gonna need it. Sometimes it just feels good to get away for a bit you know?" I nodded in agreement.The view was beautiful. Room lights were off and curtains were closed but the glow of the streetlights shone on. "So Olivia, what's on your mind." Zayn asked as he sat down and motioned for me to join, which I did. "I don't know. I'm assuming you heard about Amanda Somer? Well she was one of my best friends and I didn't want her to go so young. I wasn't expecting this. I don't know what to do." I could feel the years forming in my eyes and fought to hold them back. I refuse to let Zayn see me cry. "Oh. Well sometimes things happen that you can't control. But you can control how you deal with things. Do you think Amanda would want you to be all sad and miserable? It must be a lot to take but you can get through it. It's gonna be ok, Olivia." Zayn pulled me close. I could smell traces of Aqua Fresh Old Spice and rested my head on his shoulder. WAIT! What am I doing?! Why did I open up to Zayn do easily? I'm letting my guard down and nothing good can come of that. I suddenly pulled away. "Well its cold and I'm tired. Goodnight." I said quickly as I rushed to the window. I entered back into the building out of the cold London and ran quietly to my room. I shut my door, buried my face in my pillow and sobbed quietly. It's gonna be ok? I don't think so. It's not ok. Nothing's fine I'm torn.

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