Chapter 46

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***Olivia's POV***

"I just don't think you can really hate bagels! I mean come on!" I was walking Brittany to a class and we were arguing about something pointless yet again. "No muffins are where it's at." She replied and I rolled my eyes. Typical conversation between us. It's these playful little things that helps me take my mind off of the stress. One of my best friends is missing, another is dead, my ex might possibly be a killer and my boyfriend's been acting distant. My life is just going great. "Olivia!" I spun around at the sound of my name. Zayn ran to catch up with Brit and I. "Well I'll leave you two alone now." Brittany nudged me and smirked as she walked away leaving me with Zayn. "Hey babe." He put his arm around my shoulder and kissed me on the cheek. "Um hi." I said. "Do you want to go get some coffee later? I wanna spend some time with my girl." " depends. Are you gonna be running off again?" I hate to be creepy stalker girlfriend but I kind of feel like I should know what's going on. I wasn't about to agree to a date until I had an answer. "What? Oh..." He looked nervous. "Zayn cut the crap. I can't deal with anymore lies ok?" I pushed his arm off of me and headed in the opposite direction. "Wait!!!" Zayn caught me. "Babe things are complicated. I'm sorry! But I promise I'll explain soon. You know the fundraiser dance thing? I'll make it up to you then! I just need a bit of time. Just give me a chance." He pleaded. He looked sincere and well, he is my boyfriend. "Fine." I sighed. I glanced around the campus and spotted Beau. "I'll see you later." I said as I walked towards Beau. "Hey. You ok?" I asked. He nodded. "Yeah I guess. It's just hard you know? I'm used to her being here." I nodded. "I hear ya bro. It'll be ok. We'll find her. And Steph's a smart girl she'll survive." I tried to assure him. The poor kid's been crushed. "I know. She's strong. Oh I've been meaning to tell you something." "Ok talk." I pulled my hair up into a ponytail. "Well I saw Zayn talking with that one guy you used to date, Toby. It looked kind of intense. Zayn pushed him up against a wall and Toby looked like he was about to punch him." TOBY?! "When did this happen?!" I said in shock. "A few weeks ago. I just kind of forgot to tell you." Beau said. "WELL THIS IS KIND OF A BIG DEAL!!" I shouted. "Olivia calm down! Do you want other people to hear this?" He lowered his voice. "I heard your name in the conservation." UGH. "Really? Just what I need!" I said in frustration as I buried my face in my hands. "Why does so much have to be going on at once?" I grumbled. "Sorry...?" Beau was a bit confused. I think he thinks I'm weird. "I'm just stressed ok?!" This new information completely threw me off. I broke out running towards my dorm building. "Where are you going?" Beau called after me. "I need to talk to Taylor!" I replied without looking back. Toby? Zayn? I need to straighten this out.

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