Chapter 31

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*Brittany's POV*

I could hear Steph's peaceful breaths. She is fast asleep dreaming, where here I am wide awake. I had my head propped on the headboard, staring at the wall ahead of me. I was feeling my lips. I had been kissed by Harry. I was mad at myself for falling for him, but at the same time, I felt amazing. The fact that he was kissing me back, the fact that he wanted to be kissing me, Brittany Wave. He had actual feelings for me. I couldn't help but smile like a fool. He was so fit, and he actually liked me. I got goosebumps and curled into a ball, blushing like mad. Why is he all of a sudden having this effect on me? I thought I was putting my walls up? Then why did he still like me? I don't know, but I just can't get over that kiss.

My fingers are softly running over my lips. They are tingling, and i still had butterflies. I can still feel his lips on mine, and the sweet taste of his strawberry chapstik. Oh what am I saying?

I adjusted myself so I was now resting on my side. I drifted off to sleep, thinking about earlier.


I woke up the next morning to find Steph gone. I glanced at the clock. 8:47am. Ugh. My class doesn't start until 10, so I had time to do a few things. I trudged over to the fridge and grabbed a protein smoothie, chugging down the whole thing and feeling satisfied after. I changed into floral shorts, a white flowy tube top and a jean shirt, tying it at the bottom. I threw my hair into a messy bun and grabbed my white converse. Once I brushed my teeth and washed my face, I decided to text Stephanie and meet up with her wherever she was, assuming Taylor and Olivia were still sleeping. She responded instantly, saying she was over at Beau's. Of course.

That's right. Harry. Hmm.. This should be interesting. I smiled, and I shuffled out the door.

Once I arrived at their dorm, I just walked in, since they were excepting me. "Hello!" I sing-songed, entering the room. It smelted like cologne, but it was a good cologne. Not the strong one, where its hard to breath, but like a refreshing, clean smelling, manly scent. There were a few clothes scattered around the floor and Steph was laying down in Beau's arms, them both watching TV. Harry wasn't around as always, so I sat on his unmade bed and plopped down.

"Is this okay?" I asked Beau.

"Yeah, 'course!" He stated.

I leaned back and inhaled his scent. It smelt like I was right next to him, and I got butterflies again.

They were watching friends and laughing every few minutes. I went on my phone and responded to a few texts.

Then, I hear the door open and I look up to see Harry coming from the bathroom, with his hair dripping wet. He must have taken a shower, and thankfully he changed in there.

He instantly saw me and his face light up. It made the butterflies in my stomach run a rampage, I almost felt sick. He flipped his wet hair out of his face and locked eyes with me. We smiled at each other, and I looked at the ground and blushed. I looked back at the TV and tried watching it. But I could see Harry was staring at me. It was making me a little self conscious.

Did I look bad from the side? Was I blushing? Did I have something on my face? Is my hair messed up? Did I look awkward and nervous? GOD WHATS WRONG WITH ME!?

I bit my lip and tried to look at the TV, but I was so tempted to look back at him. I got a quick glance at him. He was leaning against the wall, hands in pockets, and trying to watch the TV, but I could tell he was looking at me too. I focused back on the tv and tried to ignore him.

Steph and Beau were whispering something to each other and started cracking up over it. Was it me? God Brittany stop being so self conscious Jesus Christ.

I hated always feeling like the third wheel around them. I glanced at the clock and it was now 9:43am. I should probably get going to my class.

I look up to see Harry looking at me. I smirk and he slightly nods his head towards the door, indicating he wanted to talk. I tensed up, but then realized that I have to leave anyway, so there is no backing out of it.

"I need to start walking to class, I'll talk to you guys after?" I told them.

"Same." Harry butted in.

"Yep!" Beau said, then continued laughing at what they were whispering about.

"See ya!" Steph smiled at me. Harry left for the door and I followed, him looking over his shoulder at me as we walked and he smirked at me. He opened the door and I slid out, him following after me, closing the door behind him.

He started walking out the building, our book bags on one shoulder and then he turned to face me.

"How you doing?" Harry asked politely.

I sighed and said, "Pretty well. How about yourself?" I smiled.

"Perfect." he said looking straight at me. I just blushed and looked away, avoiding his eyes.

"Why do you keep blushing?" Harry asked cheekily.

I buried my hands in my face and started laughing. I exhaled sharply out of my nose, indicating more laughter. I removed my hands and smiled at him.

"I don't know, why are you so nice?" I laughed, poking his side.

He was just looking at me, grinning.

"What!?" I asked him. Is there something wrong with me...? Whats wrong with him!?

"Nothing, just your laugh is so cute." he told me as we were walking. I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Shut up." I mumbled, shoving his side gently.

I was still wondering why Harry was ignoring me before. And why he was so freaking sad. He never exactly answered my question. I decided now wasn't the right time, but I had to ask him sooner or later.

We walked a few steps and we were at the arts building again, heading up to the chorus room, Harry back to his old self, joking around and all. But this time, I didn't find him annoying, because this time, he was different.

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