Chapter 13

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***Olivia's POV***

"I don't know why you wanted to take photography it looks too easy for you. Even Tom could be a photographer and you know how bad he is with artsy stuff." Taylor was walking me to my photography class on her way to the pool. "News flash. Using instagram does not make you a photographer. It looks fun." I replied. "Well I'm sure you'll do great just don't join some weird indie crowd k? You're ours." I laughed. "I promise I won't! Have fun at the pool!" I said as we parted separate ways. I walked into the classroom and placed my bag on the one empty table close to the back of the room. I glanced around and saw a bunch of people from the artsy  groups and instantly felt a pang of loneliness. If Amanda were still alive I know she'd want to be in this class with me. We had talked about it before. "Hello class! And welcome to the world of photography!" The teacher, a young looking woman with a very colorful scarf walked in the room. She instantly began a monologue about the history of photography and the material we would be learning. Then, Zayn burst into the room looking very disheveled. "Nice of you to join us Mr. Malik. Take a seat if you can find one." The teacher said. Zayn scanned the room looking for a spot. It didn't take long for him to see me. He smiled and headed in my direction. "Well hello there..." Zayn said as he slide into the seat next to mind. I rolled my eyes. "Hi." I wasn't going to give in like I had that night on the roof. "How is my little American?" He asked as he took off his jacket. Wow he smelled so good. "Fine." I replied. "What's wrong? From what Tom's told me, you usually talk a lot." He's asked Tom about me? I don't know why but that fact made me a bit happy. "Ok class! Enough of my talking. Everyone go grab a camera from the back shelf." Everyone rushed to the back like a stampede of hipsters. "Here I got you one." Zayn said as he handed me the device. I didn't even notice him getting up. "Oh thanks." I managed to say. "Your first assignment. Well, it's an ongoing thing. Make a photoset of something or someone important to you. It may seem simple, but really put thought into it. A picture captures the outside, but photography tells the story inside." Deep. I like this class so far! "Ok I'll give you the rest of class to think about your topics and maybe even get started. You have the whole semester for this so make it good." Hmmmm...time to think.

Possible Topic Ideas

I wrote on a fresh page in my notebook. FLASH! A bright light went off in my face. I turned and saw it came from Zayn. "What'd you do that for?! You're gonna waste the film!" I said. "Yeah sure but next time will you smile?" He looked at me with a playful spark in his eye. I couldn't help but grin. "Much better." He said as he snapped a pic. Why's he taking pictures of me? We're supposed to be working on a project. Wow when did i become such a goody-two shoes. Ugh. Better get to work. 

1. My Friends 

2. Music 

3. Toby 

I was listing things that were important to me. Wait why'd I write Toby's name? Force of habit, i forgot that i don't love him anymore. I reached for an eraser, but it was too late."Who's Toby?" Zayn asked, reading from my notebook. "No one!  No one he's nothing." I said nervously. "Obviously he's something if you listed him on your 'important things' list." He stared at me waiting for an answer. "He's my ex ok? Happy? But he's not important to me anymore." I said as i removed the name. "Anyways enough about my ideas. What's important to you?" I asked, trying to change the subject. "You," Zayn replied. I laughed it off. Nope. No way.Not happening. I don't really know how to respond to that. Luckily, I didn't have to. There was a knock on the door. A man walked in, he looked a bit older than us. "I need Zayn Malik to come with me." He said. "Shit..." I heard Zayn mumble under his breath as he gathered his things. "I'll see you later, Olivia." Zayn said as he followed the mysterious man out the door. Suspicious. Very suspicious. 

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