Valentine's Day, 1992

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One month later, February 14th, 1992. Valentines Day.

RACHAEL: (comes in) You wanted to see me?

PRINCE: Yeah, I wanted to play you this song I wrote for Mayte. (sits down at the piano and starts playing) (starts singing)
He realized that she was new to love
Naive in every way
Every schoolboy's fantasy she was
That's why he had to wait
If he poured his heart into a glass
And offered it like wine
She could drink and be back in time for the morning papers
They could take a walk down the ocean-side
Make a wish on every wave
They could find a carousel
And ride or kiss in every cave
They could contemplate the entire universe
Or just one star
Or just how far was the walk for the morning papers
Let me play it for you one time, oh oh
Why is age more than a number when it comes to love?
Should we ask the ones who speculate
When they don't know what it's made of?
Should we ask the moonlight on your face
Or the raindrops in your hair
Or should we ask the man who wrote it there in the morning papers?
Should we ask the moonlight on your face
Or the raindrops in your hair
Should we ask the man who wrote it there in the morning papers?
Somebody help me sing it now
Oh yes
Go play

RACHAEL: Wow, Prince that's beautiful!

PRINCE: Thanks Rach. So, you wanna stay for a bit and record some tracks?

RACHAEL: I can't, Michael and I are going out tonight, but I'll come by tomorrow and record a few things.

PRINCE: Great, I'm hoping to get this album finished between now and March before we go on the road and then maybe release it during the summer.

RACHAEL: Sounds great, see you soon. (leaves)


RACHAEL: (comes in) Michael? I'm home honey. (looks around) You here?

MICHAEL: (covers her eyes)

RACHAEL: (jumps) Michael! What are you doing?

MICHAEL: Come on, I have a surprise for you! (walks her out to the backyard)


Michael surprises Rachael.

MICHAEL: (removes his hands from her eyes) Ta-da!

MICHAEL: (removes his hands from her eyes) Ta-da!

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RACHAEL: (gasps) Michael! This is beautiful! (to herself) "Michael decorated our whole patio like a scene out of a romantic movie

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RACHAEL: (gasps) Michael! This is beautiful! (to herself) "Michael decorated our whole patio like a scene out of a romantic movie. It was gorgeous."

MICHAEL: Sit, I made steak and baked potatoes. (pulls her chair out for her)

RACHAEL: (sits down) Looks delicious!

MICHAEL: (pours them two glasses of Moet Chandon)

RACHAEL: (looks at the bottle) Is that what I think it is??

MICHAEL: She keeps her Moet Chandon in her pretty cabinet! (winks)

RACHAEL: (laughs) How'd you know I always wanted to try this?

MICHAEL: Because I know you so well! (sits down) (raises his glass to toast) To us. (both tap their glasses together) Happy Valentines Day sweetheart.

RACHAEL: (smiles lovingly at him) Happy Valentines Day. (both start eating)

MICHAEL: You ready to tour with Prince again for the first time in four years?

RACHAEL: (chuckles) Yes, but what I'm really ready for is to tour with you! (kisses him) It will be good to tour with you again like the old days!

MICHAEL: (raises his eyebrow) Old days? Sweetie, you're only 28!

RACHAEL: I know! It just seems so long ago.

MICHAEL: (smiles softly) And I wouldn't change it for the world. Listen, I got you something. (gives her a small box)

RACHAEL: (opens it up to reveal a diamond encrusted ring with a black gem stone) (jaw drops) Oh Michael, it's so beautiful! (puts it on) Thank you honey!

RACHAEL: (opens it up to reveal a diamond encrusted ring with a black gem stone) (jaw drops) Oh Michael, it's so beautiful! (puts it on) Thank you honey!

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MICHAEL: You're welcome sweetie!



MICHAEL: (lays her down on the bed) (starts making out with her)

RACHAEL: (moans softly) Michael... Michael...

MICHAEL: (slowly begins thrusting)

RACHAEL: Yes... Yes... (climaxes)

MICHAEL: (both breathing heavily) How was that?

RACHAEL: Amazing!

Next chapter will be up when I finish it, and I apologize that this book is going so slow. Soon it will skip to Prince's tour and the Dangerous Tour, then it will slowly ease into the whole Jordan Chandler mess and whatnot so just stick with me a little longer. Thanks for reading!!

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