Warning Signs

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The next day... 

RACHAEL: (wakes up) (notices Michael is still asleep) (quietly gets up, goes over to his nightstand and looks at the pill bottle) (reads it) Demerol... This expires today. (quietly throws the bottle away) 

MICHAEL: (wakes up) Good morning sunshine. 

RACHAEL: Morning, you want some breakfast? 

MICHAEL: Sure. (looks over at his nightstand) Hey, where are my pills? 

RACHAEL: Oh, I threw them away. 

MICHAEL: You what? Rachael, I need those! 

RACHAEL: The bottle was empty and they expire today. It didn't say to refill it.

MICHAEL: So you're looking through my things now?

RACHAEL: No, I was just cleaning up and I noticed the bottle was empty. 

MICHAEL: Rachael, I'm in pain! I need my pills! 

RACHAEL: Sweetheart, I think you're taking too many. 

MICHAEL: You don't believe me! My own wife don't believe me! (gets up and storms out)

RACHAEL: Michael! Wait, please! (completely breaks down) (dials Liz's number) Liz... It's me. 

LIZ: (on the phone) Rachael? Hi! How's Michael? 

RACHAEL: Not so good... He's been taking pills for a pulled tooth and scalp surgery... And I think he's addicted. 

LIZ: (on the phone) How can you tell? 

RACHAEL: Well he's been taking them to fall asleep multiple times a day, and today he snapped at me when I threw out the bottle and then he just left. Oh, and he hasn't been eating. 

LIZ: (on the phone) I see... I'll be there first thing tomorrow morning. 

RACHAEL; Thank you Liz. (hangs up) (sits down on the sofa and cries softly) 

Later that day... 

MICHAEL: (comes in)

RACHAEL: (crosses her arms) Where the hell have you been? 

MICHAEL: I needed more pills. 

RACHAEL: Give them to me. 


RACHAEL: Give them to me right now Michael. 

MICHAEL: No, I need them! 

RACHAEL: No you don't! You're addicted! 

MICHAEL: No I'm not!

RACHAEL: Alright, then give me them. 

MICHAEL: Fine! (puts them in her hand) 

RACHAEL: (pours them down the sink) 

A few hours later... 

MICHAEL: (shaking violently) 

RACHAEL: Baby, you're shaking. 

MICHAEL: I-it's just c-cold in here. 

RACHAEL: Sweetie, I can get you some help... 

MICHAEL: (snaps) I don't need help! Just get me a damn blanket! 

RACHAEL: (glares at him) Fine! (throws the blanket at him) (goes out onto the balcony) 


Rachael collects herself and plans for an intervention. 

RACHAEL: (starts sobbing) (to herself) "God give him strength..." (dials Prince's number) Prince, it's me... I need you here early tomorrow morning...

Sorry for the short chapter. I know the addiction came up kinda suddenly but I couldn't find anything about the scalp surgery he mentions in his statement about the allegations which will come up later in the book so I had to improvise. But also by this point Michael and I haven't seen each other in awhile so I guess it would be fair to assume he was taking the pills for awhile before I flew out to be with him. Anyway, next chapter will be up tomorrow. As always, thanks for reading!!

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