Madison Square Garden, New York

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A few days later, Rachael is well enough to perform.

MICHAEL: (cupping her face) Honey, are you sure you're ready to perform tonight?

RACHAEL: Yes, I'll be fine. I'm only doing ballads tonight, I promise.

MICHAEL: Ok. (kisses her) Knock em' dead baby.


The concert.

RACHAEL: (comes out) Hi everybody. Excuse my voice, I know I sound like a bad June Carter impression. (crowd laughs) I'm just getting over laryngitis so my voice may be a little rough tonight but I'm gonna do my best! (crowd cheers) All right, this is a song I wrote awhile ago about a drunken mistake I made, I've never performed it live, but I figured it was time. (pulls out her autoharp and starts playing) (starts singing)
I couldn't resist him
His eyes were like yours
His hair was exactly the shade of brown
He's just not as tall, but I couldn't tell
It was dark and I was lying down
You are everything, he means nothing to me
I can't even remember his name
Why're you so upset?
Baby, you weren't there and I was thinking of you when I came
What do you expect?
You left me here alone; I drank so much and needed to touch
Don't overreact, I pretended he was you
You wouldn't want me to be lonely
How can I put it so you understand?
I didn't let him hold my hand
But he looked like you; I guess he looked like you
No he wasn't you
But you can still trust me, this ain't infidelity
It's not cheating; you were on my mind
Yes he looked like you
But I heard love is blind... (crowd cheers) Thank you!

PRINCE: (from backstage) (leans over and whispers in Michael's ear) I never thought she'd have the guts to actually perform it.

MICHAEL: I don't blame her for not performing it til now, it's a private matter.

PRINCE: Your bitch's got guts.

MICHAEL: (shoots him a death glare) I would appreciate it if you didn't call my wife that word.

PRINCE: (rolls his eyes)

RACHAEL: All right, this next song is dedicated to my husband! (winks at him)

MICHAEL: (blows her a kiss)

RACHAEL: (starts singing)
Every night I get tired eyes
My feet don't reach the ground
Then I'm with you
I get by 'cause I know that you're near me
So baby close your eyes I can sleep tonight
All because of you
Every night when the fire flies
The walls come tumblin' down
At the Bijou
I get by 'cause I know that you're near me
So baby close your eyes
I can sleep tonight
All because of you
I'll keep singin' my love song
In my mind I'll sing a song for you
You can see through the music
That's in my mind
So baby close your eyes
I can sleep tonight
All because of you
All because of you
All because of you

MICHAEL: (places his hand over his heart and mouths "I love you."

RACHAEL: (starts singing)
I met my old lover on the street last night, he seemed so glad to see me, I just smiled.
And we talked about some old times and we drank ourselves some beers.
Still crazy after all these years, still crazy after all these years.
I'm not the kind of girl who tends to socialize.
I seem to lean on old familiar ways, and I'm no fool of love songs that whisper in my ears.
Still crazy after all these years, still crazy after all these years...
Four in the morning, crashed out, yawning, longing my life away,
I'll never worry, why should I? It's all gonna fade.
Now I sit by my window and I watch the cars.
I fear I'll do some damage one fine day, but I would not be convicted by a jury of my peers.
Still crazy after all these years.
Oh still crazy, still crazy, still crazy after all these years.

When You Were Mine [SEQUEL TO THE GIRL IS MINE]Where stories live. Discover now