Tears Go Here

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TRIGGER WARNING!!! The following chapter contains very intense, depressing subject matter that could be triggering for some. Readers discretion advised.


Four days later, October 22nd, 1996.

MAYTE: (to herself) "After six days, he was struggling to breathe." (looks at the doctor) He's not leaving here, is he?

DOCTOR: Well, there are more invasive measures we can try. We could do a tracheotomy.

MAYTE: No. No, you're not doing that to him. He is suffering.

DOCTOR: Mrs. Nelson, if you don't allow us to do the tracheotomy, you're making the choice to let him go.

MAYTE: You're torturing him! He can't live like this!

PRINCE: (pulls her into the next room and tries to calm her down) Mayte. Mayte, maybe if we do this, if they can get him breathing with the machine...

MAYTE: Then what? What else?

PRINCE: I don't know.

MAYTE: We have to let him go. (to herself) "I wanted to grab the words back as soon as they were out of my mouth. Letting him go meant carving a piece from each of our hearts. I was the protective Mama Bear alongside the weary Papa Bear. I wasn't going to let anyone hurt my baby anymore, and I told myself that if we loved him enough to let him go, maybe he'd come back to us. Maybe he would find us, the way we found each other."

PRINCE: (holds her tightly) Ok... If they take him off the machine and he can breathe, we keep fighting. If he can't live without the machine...maybe he's not supposed to be here.

MAYTE: (nods softly) (to herself) "We went back and spoke quietly with the doctors. They tried to reassure and comfort us, tried to tell us this was the right thing to do, but the rightness of it didn't make it any less better. We signed the papers and agreed on a time when life support would be removed the next day."

PRINCE: (takes her hand and they leave)


Later that day...

MAYTE: (crawls into bed) (to herself) "They sent me home with painkillers and Valium, and I crawled into a dark sleep. I woke up every three hours to pump breast milk, and I wanted to go to Amiir, but I was terrified to go there again. When we did, it would be over."


The next day, October 23rd, 1996...

MAYTE: (wakes up) (to herself) "When I woke up again, I heard a phone ringing. A moment later, my husband came."

PRINCE: It's done. They took the tubes out.

MAYTE: What? No! I'm supposed to be there!

PRINCE: I didn't know if you could handle it.

MAYTE: I'm going. Right now. If no one wants to take me, I'll drive.

PRINCE: (puts his arms around her)

MAYTE: (to herself) "He put his arms around me. Made me stop. In less time than it would have taken me to get there, the phone rang again. He answered it, and then he hung up."

PRINCE: He's gone.

MAYTE: (starts crying uncontrollably) (to herself) "I lost it. I went in our room and cried and cried. I don't know what my husband did."



RACHAEL: (phone rings) (answers it) Hello?

PRINCE: (on the phone) Rachael.

RACHAEL: Prince, hi. How you doing?

PRINCE: (on the phone) Amiir's gone... They took him off life support.

RACHAEL: Oh my God... Honey, I'm so sorry. Is there anything we can do?

PRINCE: (on the phone) Will you guys come over tomorrow? We could use some company.

RACHAEL: Of course we will sweetheart. Latoya can watch the kids.

PRINCE: (on the phone) No... Bring them, maybe they'll cheer Mayte up.

RACHAEL: (nods softly) Ok... We'll bring them.

PRINCE: (on the phone) Thanks Rach... I gotta go. I'll see you guys soon.

RACHAEL: Ok... I love you.

PRINCE: (on the phone) I love you too.

RACHAEL: (hangs up)

MICHAEL: How is Amiir doing?

RACHAEL: (looks at him sadly) He's gone. They took him off life support.

MICHAEL: Oh my God, that poor little baby.

RACHAEL: Prince wants us all to come over tomorrow and be with them.

MICHAEL: (nods) I think that's a good idea. (holds her close to him)


A few hours later...

MAYTE: (to herself) "A few hours later, our son's ashes were brought to the house in an urn with three dolphins on it: mama, daddy, and baby." (holds the urn close to herself)

(This is not the actual urn, but I wanted to find one similar to what it probably looked like.)

I know this chapter was very intense and sad

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I know this chapter was very intense and sad. Before I continue I would just like to say in no way am I trying to dishonor the memory of Amiir or disrespect Prince or Mayte in any way. Yes, this is fan fiction but I'm going by real facts, and I didn't feel as if this could be skipped or glossed over, I have been re-reading Mayte's book to make sure I get everything right rather than try and put my own spin on things and act like I can imagine what they went through. If anything I am trying to raise awareness for Pfeiffer syndrome. I am not trying to glamorize what happened. I have so much respect for Prince and Mayte, that's why I am reading her book again. This is her experience, her story. I want to make sure the things I'm adding are true and not just taking random facts off the internet. I want this to be the real story. All credit for this chapter goes to Mayte Garcia.

The song used at the beginning of the chapter was a song Prince wrote for Amiir called "Comeback". These are the lyrics:

Walking up the stairs
Just the afternoon
Sweet wind blew
Not a moment too soon
(Hoo) I cried when I realized
That sweet wind was you

Spirits come and spirits go
Some stick around for the after show
Don't have to say I miss you (don't have to say I miss you)
Cause I think you already know
If you ever lose someone
Dear to you
Never say the words they're gone
They'll come back, yeah
They'll come back, yeah yeah
They'll come back
Tears go here
Tears go here
Tears go here
Tears go here

Once again, I am not trying to disrespect anyone in any way. I respect them so much and want to tell their story. As always, thank you for reading.

R.I.P Amiir Nelson.
October 16th - October 23rd, 1996 💜

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