Christmas Eve (1993)

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The next night, December 24th, 1993. Christmas Eve. 

RACHAEL: (decorating the tree) Michael? Honey, you wanna come help me decorate the tree? 

MICHAEL: Maybe later honey... 

RACHAEL: (sighs) All right. (continues decorating)

JAYME: (smirks and whispers) Hey, I know how to get him up! (bends down to Prince) Sweetie, why don't you go ask your Daddy to help you put the star on the tree? 

PRINCE JR.: Ok auntie Jayme. (toddles over to Michael) Daddy? Will you help me put the star on the tree pwease? 

MICHAEL: (giggles) Sure buddy. (lifts him up) 

PRINCE JR.: (puts it on the tree) 

MICHAEL: Yay! Good job buddy! (puts him down) 

RACHAEL: Glad that finally motivated you to come help us! 

JAYME: Yeah, what's the matter with you these days Michael? You got a reindeer up your butt? 

RACHAEL: (laughs) 

MICHAEL: (turns bright red) I'm going to bed. 

RACHAEL: Oh honey, she was kidding! 

JAYME: Yeah Mike, haven't you ever seen Steel Magnolias? 

MICHAEL: Goodnight. (goes upstairs) 

JAYME: What the hell was that about? 

RACHAEL: (sighs) He hasn't been himself since the allegations started, and the strip search earlier this week just broke him. And to make matters worse, we gotta go to court next month. 

JAYME: Rach, you should not have to go through this shit. You're pregnant, you should be taking it easy. Why don't you and Prince come stay at my place for a little while? 

RACHAEL: Jayme, I am not gonna leave Michael here by himself, especially not now. He needs me. 

JAYME: Rach, there's only so much you can take, and I think he's put you through enough with the drugs and now this. 

RACHAEL: (sighs) I don't wanna talk about this right now ok? Can you put Prince to bed? I'm gonna go lay down. (goes upstairs) 

JAYME: Yeah... Sure... 


RACHAEL: (crawls in bed next to him) 

MICHAEL: Do you hate me? 

RACHAEL: What? Honey, of course not! Why would you think that? 

MICHAEL: I feel like I'm making your life a living hell. You don't deserve this. 

RACHAEL: (sighs heavily) Why the fuck does everyone treat me like I'm this delicate fragile little girl who can't handle anything??? 

MICHAEL: Because you're a fragile person honey, you've always been. 

RACHAEL: J-j-just because I was b-born p-premature does not m-make me f-fragile! (eyes widen) (to herself) "Shit! I just stuttered! I've never stuttered in front of Michael before. It only flares up in stressful situations these days." (blushes hard) (turns away from him) 

MICHAEL: (puts his hand on her shoulder) Hey, look at me. 

RACHAEL: (turns to him on the verge of tears) 

MICHAEL: (wipes a tear from her eye with his thumb) What is it sweetie? 

RACHAEL: (sniffles) I never wanted you to hear me stutter. 

MICHAEL: (places his finger under her chin) Honey, it's nothing to be embarrassed about. I told you that when we first met. 

RACHAEL: Yeah well, when we first met, I didn't stutter very much anymore. Now it only flares up when I'm really, really stressed.

MICHAEL: (face falls) I get it... Stress makes it worse. I'm the cause of your stress lately. 

RACHAEL: Stop it! You are not the cause of any of my stress! None of this is your fault! The only thing that is causing me stress is seeing those backstabbing sons of bitches put you through all this pain! You are the most generous, loving man I know! You don't deserve this! (starts sobbing) 

MICHAEL: (holds her tightly) (rubs her back lovingly) Shh... We'll be okay.

RACHAEL: When the fuck will this nightmare end?! 

MICHAEL: I don't know baby. I just don't know... 

Sorry for the short chapter. I just felt like the Christmas Eve one was dramatic enough to be a standalone chapter. This is the first time where my character actually has a stutter. I thought it would be an interesting thing to include. If you saw my face reveal video last month you could easily see I do stutter pretty badly, but in my stories I don't usually include it. I'm not embarrassed about it, but it does get pretty annoying. Also, I want some opinions, in the picture included above I edited Karen and Michael together. Do you guys think I should do more Karen and Michael pics or just stick with the pics of him and Lisa Marie? I just feel like there's not enough Karen pics in here despite the fact that she's the one playing me 😅. Anyway, next chapter will be up tomorrow. Thanks for reading!!

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