Thanksgiving, 1994

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Two months later, mid November, 1994.

MICHAEL: (comes in) Hey honey, I know we don't really have any plans for Thanksgiving yet, but I was wondering if we could have a quiet Thanksgiving with our families. I wasn't there to celebrate last year, and we went through so much hell that I just wanna be with a small group of people and just celebrate with the people we love.

RACHAEL: Of course sweetheart. Why don't we have everybody come here this year? Just family, maybe a few close friends and we can all just be together.

MICHAEL: I like the sound of that.

RACHAEL: Ok! I'll start calling.

MICHAEL: Thank you sweetie! (kisses her)

RACHAEL: You're welcome! While I call everybody why don't you take Prince upstairs and show him his new room?

MICHAEL: Yeah! (calls out to him) Prince, come here!

PRINCE JR.: (runs in) Yes Daddy?

MICHAEL: Your room was finished today! Do you wanna see it?


MICHAEL: Well come on then! (takes his hand and leads him upstairs) 


MICHAEL: (brings him in) Ta-da! What do you think?

MICHAEL: (brings him in) Ta-da! What do you think?

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PRINCE JR.: (jaw drops) It's so cool!

MICHAEL: (giggles) Well, you enjoy it while I go talk to Mommy. (kisses his head and goes downstairs)

PRINCE: (climbs up on the bed and starts jumping up and down) 


RACHAEL: Hey sweetie, how'd Prince like his big boy room?

MICHAEL: Oh he loved it!

RACHAEL: Great! So, I called everyone and they're all coming, but I couldn't get a hold of Latoya.

MICHAEL: Oh... That's fine.

RACHAEL: You okay?

MICHAEL: Yeah, I'm fine. Why would it bother me? I mean, she betrayed me on live TV. She wouldn't expect me to forgive her just like that! (chuckles ironically but also sadly at the same time)

RACHAEL: Honey, it's okay to feel sad about not seeing her. She's still your sister.

MICHAEL: No, no. I'm fine. (cups her face and gives her a quick kiss on the nose) Perfectly fine. (walks into the studio) 


MICHAEL: (sighs) What is happening to my sister...? 


One week later. Thanksgiving, 1994.

MICHAEL: (stands up from the table) Excuse me, can I have everybody's attention? I'd like to say something. I know that the last year has been a very rough one for all of us, but I just want to tell you how truly thankful I am for your love and support, I love you all very, very much. I don't know how I could have gotten through it without you. Especially without this beautiful angel sitting right here.

RACHAEL: (blushes shyly)

MICHAEL: I'm so grateful that you all stood by me to the very end, God bless you, I love you.

RACHAEL: Oh honey that was beautiful. (kisses him) Come on everyone, let's eat!

Next chapter will be up when I finish it. We're almost in 1995. A lot of significant things happened to both Prince and Michael between 1995 and 1999, so things are gonna get more entertaining soon I promise! I know I ask you guys this a lot but I just like to know what you guys think and get your feedback, so how are you guys liking it so far? I know it's kinda gone back to the slow pace it was before the trial but honestly once we reach the last 3 or 4 years in the book it's gonna get more interesting, more dramatic actually. One more thing, I don't know exactly where this book will be when we reach 200 chapters, but it won't be very long until the second half is made, it will pick up immediately where this one leaves off and should not be counted as the third book, only a continuation of this one because this is supposed to be a four book series, covers for the last two books are ready to go and I have most of the plot already in mind even though I haven't written them yet. Anyway, sorry to ramble as usual lol. Thanks for reading!! ❤

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