New Years

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A few days later. New Years Eve, 1995.

PRINCE: (opens the door and lets in Michael and Rachael) Hey guys, glad you could make it. Come on in.

MICHAEL: (comes in with Rachael) Thanks Prince. So, you guys are getting married pretty soon, are you excited?

MAYTE: Very! There's just one thing that we haven't decided on yet, and Prince wants your opinion on it.

MICHAEL: What is it?

PRINCE: Um... Well, we haven't decided on whose gonna be the best man yet. And I was wondering if... You would do it.

MICHAEL: (grins widely) I would love to! (hugs him tightly)

PRINCE: (rolls his eyes) (to himself) "Oh brother, what have I done?"

MAYTE: That settles it then!

MICHAEL: Thank you so much Prince! This is truly an honor!

PRINCE: Yeah, yeah, you're welcome. Anyway, Rach, I expect you here tomorrow morning at 8 sharp. We've got some recording to do.

RACHAEL: Prince, don't you think you should be more focused on your wedding than my next album?

PRINCE: Relax, everything's all set for the wedding, plenty of time to work on a new album.

RACHAEL: Whatever you say. (checks her watch) It's almost midnight. After the countdown we're probably gonna head home. (they all begin the countdown) 10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!


Later that night...

RACHAEL: (strumming her autoharp looking for a melody)

MICHAEL: (comes in) Oh, there you are. Are you coming to bed?

RACHAEL: Not yet, I have this nagging idea for a song that I just can't get out of my head. I figured maybe this could be my wedding gift to Prince and Mayte. I just need to find a good melody and good lyrics.

MICHAEL: (giggles softly) I know that feeling. You'll figure it out. You're an amazing songwriter. (kisses her head)

RACHAEL: You know, my songwriting really only began when we fell in love. Nearly every song I've ever written has been about you.

MICHAEL: Well, maybe use that as your inspiration. Think about how you felt when we were just starting to fall in love.

RACHAEL: That's a great idea actually.

MICHAEL: Glad I could help. I don't wanna disturb you, so just come to bed when you're ready. (kisses her and leaves)

RACHAEL: (sighs softly in thought and begins strumming a gentle melody) (sings softly to herself)
We've only just begun to live
White lace and promises
A kiss for luck and we're on our way
We've only begun... (smiles to herself and begins writing the lyrics and notes down on a notepad) Perfect.

Next chapter will be up in a few days. It's almost done, then after that the next chapter will be Prince and Mayte's wedding so it's gonna kind of shift focus to them for awhile. Also, for the part where my character was writing the song, I was inspired by a scene in "Walk The Line" where June writes Ring Of Fire about her feelings for Johnny but I couldn't find a clip of it on YouTube so if you've seen the movie you probably know what I'm talking about. Anyway, thanks for reading!!

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