The Plan

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The next day, June 15th, 1995. 

MICHAEL: (phone rings) (answers it) Hello? 

PRINCE: (on the phone) Mike, it's Prince. 

MICHAEL: Hey Prince, you wanna talk to Rachael? 

PRINCE: (on the phone) No, I wanna talk to you. We gotta get her back in the studio, the world needs her to make a comeback. 

MICHAEL: I agree but we can't just force her to make a new album. 

PRINCE: (on the phone) I know, that's why I got a plan. 

MICHAEL: What kind of plan? 

PRINCE: (on the phone) Come on down to Paisley and I'll show you, but don't tell Rachael, just tell her you're going back in the studio to do some remixes or something. 

MICHAEL: Ok, I'll see you in a bit. (hangs up) 

RACHAEL: (comes downstairs) Hey sweetheart, who was on the phone? 

MICHAEL: Oh, uhhhh... It was just Teddy, he wanted to talk to me about some remixes he made, I was gonna meet him at the studio. 

RACHAEL: Oh, ok. Well I'm taking the kids to the park. I guess I'll see you when you get back. (kisses him and leaves)

MICHAEL: Phew... 


Later, Prince and Michael hatch a plan to get Rachael back in the studio. 

MICHAEL: Alright, I'm here, what's this big plan of yours? 

PRINCE: (holds up a CD to him) 

MICHAEL: (reads it) "My Body Keeps Changing My Mind, 95 mix"? What's this? 

PRINCE: I took Rach's song and I added your voice.

MICHAEL: You did not.

PRINCE: Oh yes I did. (plays the track) 

MICHAEL: Prince, this is... This is amazing. 

PRINCE: That's what I thought. Now, here's what I'm thinking, you're releasing the History album tomorrow, right? 

MICHAEL: Yeah, why?

PRINCE: Why don't we have an album release party at the Glam Slam tomorrow night and then afterwards we bring Rach to the studio and play this for her? Maybe we can convince her to release it.

MICHAEL: Well, I guess it's worth a shot. 

PRINCE: Alright, I'll make sure everything's ready by tomorrow night. 

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