Rachael's Birthday, 1990

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One week later. June 12th, Rachael's birthday.

MICHAEL: Happy birthday sweetie! (kisses her head) This is for you. (gives her a card)

RACHAEL: Thank you honey! (opens it up and reads it) "Happy birthday to the most wonderful wife anyone could ask for. I love you, Michael." Awww! Honey, that's so sweet! (kisses him)

MICHAEL: Check the envelope, there's something else in there for you.

RACHAEL: (looks inside to find two tickets) (eyes widen) We're going on a cruise?!

MICHAEL: Yes! I figured now that you're done touring and you aren't recording for now that it would be the perfect time for us to take a little getaway.

RACHAEL: I think that's an awesome idea! I'm sure Prince is gonna love it too!

MICHAEL: I think so too!

PRINCE: (struts in) Hey, hey birthday girl.

RACHAEL: Hey! (hugs him)

PRINCE: Listen, I got you a little something. (hands her an envelope)

RACHAEL: (opens it up) AHHH!!!!

MICHAEL: (laughs) What? What is it?


PRINCE: Yup, front row, VIP.

RACHAEL: AHHH!!!! (hugs him tightly)

PRINCE: Damn girl! Calm your ass down or you won't have enough energy for the surprise party tonight!


PRINCE: Sorry Mikey! (kisses Rachael's cheek) See you later Rach, I gotta finish getting everything ready. (leaves)

MICHAEL: (sighs) (mumbles to himself) Purple pinhead...

RACHAEL: Oh honey, lighten up! It's not like he gave away any real details.

MICHAEL: Well, I guess so.

RACHAEL: And would it kill you to stop calling him purple pinhead? To be fair he hasn't called you Wacko...

MICHAEL: Don't say it! I don't wanna hear that name in this house.

RACHAEL: Well at least you get my point.

MICHAEL: Listen, I gotta go help pin... Prince finish getting ready. Why don't you go out and buy whatever you want? I'm sure Jayme and Lenci would come with you.

RACHAEL: I'd love that. (kisses his cheek) I'll see you in a bit. I love you.

MICHAEL: I love you more.

RACHAEL: (leaves)


Rachael does a little shopping with the girls.

RACHAEL: I'm so happy you guys could come, I haven't seen you in forever!

JAYME: I know, we've missed you.

RACHAEL: I've missed you guys too. Come on, let's see what they've got for albums... (starts flipping through them) Ooh! Paranoid by Black Sabbath! Nice! (puts it in the bag) (grabs.a couple Elton John albums) Ooh! Carter Family! MINE! (grabs it)

LENCI: Having fun there Rachie?

RACHAEL: Hey, it's not often that I find a Carter Family album in the store, shut up!

LENCI: (laughs) Come on, let's go to the video section. (they all walk over to the video section)

RACHAEL: Ooh, they got Purple Rain, Under The Cherry Moon AND Sign O' The Times. (buys them) (also grabs Grease and Magnolias before leaving)

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