A Real "Holly Jolly" Christmas (1993)

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The next day. Christmas, 1993. 

LIZ: (knocking on the door) Michael? It's the spirit of Christmas! Coming to haunt you! 

RACHAEL: Mm, honey I think Liz is here. 

MICHAEL: (mumbles and throws the pillow over his head) 5 more minutes. 

LIZ: (knocks on the door) Michael? 

MICHAEL: (moans) All right, I'm up! (both get up) 


LIZ: Good morning darling, happy Christmas. (kisses his cheek) 

MICHAEL: Good morning Liz, merry Christmas. I'm so happy to see you. LIZ You too darling! 

RACHAEL: Honey, come sit down over here, I have something for you. (gives him a present) 

MICHAEL: (opens it up) (jaw drops) Rachael... This... This is beautiful. I don't know what to say. Thank you. (kisses her) 

RACHAEL: You're welcome sweetheart! 

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RACHAEL: You're welcome sweetheart! 

MICHAEL: (gives her a present) Here sweetheart, this is for you. 

RACHAEL: (opens it up to reveal a beautiful handcrafted photo album) (gasps) 

MICHAEL: (smiles) I told you I would make it up to you! 

RACHAEL: (starts flipping through it) Oh honey, this is just beautiful. I love it, thank you. (kisses him) 

MICHAEL: And this is for you buddy! (gives Prince a present) 

PRINCE JR.: (opens it up to find a super soaker and a Michael doll) Thank you Daddy! (hugs him) 

MICHAEL: You're welcome buddy! 

Later that day... 

MICHAEL: (cuddling on the couch) You wanna watch a movie? 

RACHAEL: Sure, what do you wanna watch? 

MICHAEL: I'd like to watch Steel Magnolias, I've never seen it. 

RACHAEL: Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait! You've seriously never seen it?! 

MICHAEL: No, I've never had time! 

RACHAEL: All right! (puts it on) 

Later on during the movie... 

MICHAEL: (tearing up)

RACHAEL: (looks over at him) Aw honey, are you crying?

MICHAEL: (wipes his eyes) No! I'm not crying! My eyes are sweating! 

RACHAEL: (starts laughing hysterically) HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA!!!!!!!! Oh my God! Michael that was friggin gold! Anyway, don't worry. You'll be laughing again soon! Keep watching! 

MICHAEL: (laughs softly) Ouiser sure had it coming to her, huh baby?... Rach? (looks down to find her sleeping soundly on his shoulder) Oh. (pulls a blanket up over her) At least we can escape the world for a little while in our dreams. (rests his head against hers and falls asleep)

Hope you guys liked this chapter!! Next one will be up when I finish it. And sorry for the Steel Magnolias references lately! Olympia Dukakis just died, she played Clairee and this is one of my favorite movies so I wanted to incorporate some of it into the story somehow! So, rest in peace Olympia! We love ya more than our luggage! 😉❤

Thanks for reading!!

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