Tim ~ Paging Dr. Drake (X-Doctor! Reader)

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Requested prompt for some Grey's Anatomy spice with one of the Bat Boys; chosen to stay anonymous. 

Let us cringe together. 

Rated: R (I'm already cringing)

(R/N) = Random Nurse

(R/D) = Random Doctor

(H/D) = Head Doctor

Casual Affair ~ P!ATD

* * * 

"Nurse! We need a gurney over here!"


"Um, hello?!" The doctor on the other side of the desk shot me a frantic look, and I turned and sprinted down the hallway to retrieve a gurney from the Emergency Room without another thought. 

Gurney in hand, I met the doctor at the front doors and the two of us ran outside to the awaiting ambulance. The doors were thrown open upon our arrival, and out spilled a flurry of EMTs who worked quickly to assist the passenger lying inside. My eyes widened upon seeing a young teenage boy who looked no older than sixteen choking up blood. It mixed with the preexisting stain on his t-shirt as it dribbled down his chin to his throat before soaking into the collar. 


"R-Right!" I snapped out of my stupor, deciding against correcting the doctor about my status, seeing as I was an intern rather than a nurse, and grabbed the other side of the gurney after the attendees had finished loading the boy on top. 

"What happened?" I asked, helping (R/D) back through the front doors and down an adjacent hallway. We maneuvered around other staff and wandering patients, hurriedly making out way toward surgical wing.

"Male, fifteen, passenger in a head-on collision; most likely a ruptured spleen, internal bleeding, a few broken ribs-- Will someone please get this woman out of here?!" the doctor suddenly snapped. She was most likely referring to the lady who I hadn't realized had been following us from the parking lot. She was running after us, a hand outstretched toward the gurney; she had matching patches of blood painting the front of her yoga pants and forehead. 

"Ma'am, your going to have to stay back." I left the gurney to (R/D), pausing and turning back to intercept the approaching woman. Her momentum sent her barreling into me, and despite tripping over top of me and nearly sending the both of us to the floor, she continued to pursue the disappearing gurney. 

"Please, you have to help him!" She cried, tears streaming down her face as she struggled to stand upright. "H-He was doing just fine when we were in the ambulance; just a dislocated shoulder, they told us. Then all of a sudden, he starts vomiting, a-and there was blood everyw..." It was becoming hard to understand her because she'd begun sobbing again, and I stiffened when she grabbed hold of my arm for support. 


I whipped around to see (R/D) running back down the hall in our direction. I frowned upon noticing she didn't have the gurney anymore. 

"The patient?" 

"(R/N) took him to the surgical wing, but I'm going to need your help prepping," she mumbled through her panting. "Find out anything useful?" 

"Injuries are possibly the result of a delayed rupture; the transition from the site of the accident to the ambulance could've helped, and then any slight bump in the road could've triggered it," I replied. (R/D)'s attention shifted to the woman clinging onto my sleeve.

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