Chapter 2

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*Daisy's POV*

   We were in the car for about 20 minutes, and I start to smell the salty water that I love. I think I know where we are going. I start getting antsy and wiggle around.

"You already know, don't you?" Bria giggled as she whispered. I nodded my head yes with a huge smile on my face.

I can't wait to feel the sand between my toes. I also can't wait to swim in the ocean with all the fishies.

I feel the car come to a stop as I'm thinking about looking for seashells.

"Okay Daisy, we're here. Happy birthday sweetie." Bria's mom said looking back at me.  I said a quick thank you and ran out the car with Bria following me, hearing the faint laughs of her parents as I get closer to the ocean. 

"DeeDee wait. Before you get in take the shirt off, I forgot to pack you extra!" Bria yelled.

I quickly stopped and took the shirt off revealing my seashell bikini and threw it on the sand.

I dashed towards the ocean holding Bria's hand. Once our feet touched the water we let go as she soaked her feet. I dive right in and started kicking my feet. The ocean has always made me happy.

As I was playing, I felt someone staring at me. I looked around and I didn't see anyone just the people at the party talking to our parents. I dropped the feeling and got out. Bria's dad called me to come eat. I smelled the food when I got closer to the canopy.

Their soft balloon like lights with blue and white pillows and blankets. It was so pretty. I look to see what Bria's dad was making me and it was a hot dog with mac n cheese. I danced while I ate because I love mac n cheese. I started feeling like I was being watched again so I looked around once more...finding nothing but family and friends.

"Bria, can you make a sandcastle with me?" I begged with puppy dog eyes. I love sandcastles but I can never seem to make one by myself. Bria on the other hand, is a pro.

She giggled a little and nodded.

We abandoned our food to go play in the sand and we made a really pretty sandcastle. I was satisfied looking at it then gave her a hug.

"Thank you for being my best friend. I don't know what I'd do without you." I whispered with my eyes watering. Shes the person I have counted on since I was 8 years old, and she was always there for me.

She hugged me back whispering she wouldn't change a thing making my eyes swell up more.

I guess you could call me sensitive because I cry a lot but...what's wrong with that?

"Bria can you come here for a second!" Bria's mom calls out. Bria starts making her way over there and I was about to follow her until I saw a really pretty seashell.

I picked it up and help it in my hand, on a new mission to find more shells.

I walked along the shoreline and picked up all the pretty shells I saw. Big or small they were all pretty.

"Hey little girl" I heard from beside me.

"Oh, umm. Hi." I said blushing. He was really, really handsome. He was really tall, almost like a tree. His eyes were a deep blue color, and his hair was black. His muscles were on full display, and I tried my hardest not to look but I couldn't help it.

He smirked knowing I was checking him out. "Eyes up here princess." He said with his deep voice. He gave me a weird feeling in my tummy. Like it had butterflies in it...but I ate a hotdog, not butterflies.

I looked up at him quickly and his smile grew wider. I learned quickly that I liked his smile. But mom always told me not to talk to strangers. Knowing I couldn't talk to him made me sad.

"I'm sorry mister, I can't talk to strangers." I looked down at my feet with tears in my eyes.

He grabbed my chin to make me look back up at him. "My name is James, now we aren't strangers." He smiled softly seeing the water in my eyes.

I perked up and smiled back. "My name is Daisy."


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