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Asher's POV

Throwing my coat on I hear my angel running down the stairs with Carson.

"You ready angel?"

She nods her head and smiles.

We all head out the door and start walking the trail.

The air is crisp and cold, if it were windy, we'd definitely freeze.

The snowfall is lightly falling on the blanket of snow that's already on the ground. It's beautiful.

Daisy and Carson are walking ahead of us talking about her hair.

I'm happy Gloria took time out of her day once again to do something special for her. With court James and I have been so busy.

They found out that we had many calls with that horrible man. We told our lawyers it was just for business reasons isn't necessarily a lie.

I smile at my angel infront of me. Her nose is turning pink from the cold, I can't wait to warm her up.

The girls suddenly fall causing all three of us to slightly panic. When they start making snow angels, I laugh to myself.

When they get up James wipes the snow off her back, and we keep walking.

"I. Can't. Walk. No. More." Daisy complains.

"You ready to turn around angel?" I ask.

She gives me her cute little grabby hands and I pick her up.

"Daddy can me and Daisy build a snowman here?" Carson asks Drew.

Drew looks up at me and I nod letting Daisy down.

Me and the guys stand close by near a tree and watch them build the snowman.

"How's the court thing going?" Drew asks me and my brother.

"It's alright, I think it'd be pretty hard to connect us to it. Thanks to you our DNA won't be found at the scene." James answers.

"I was happy to help, it's terrible what happened to her. I can't imagine how she felt." Drew said.

It took a while for Daisy to be okay again. Once her hair started growing back, she started getting better little by little.

"I think she's happy now." I smile looking at her.

"If there's anything you two need, don't hesitate to ask." Drew looks at us intently.

If it weren't for Drew, we'd probably be in prison by now.

Drew looks over at Daisy with sad eyes.

I'm happy to see how he feels for her, she has so many people in her corner, and she don't even know it.

They finish with their snowman we all walk up to it and check it out.

Random sticks are used for arms, and they found stuff along the snowy ground for facial features, like a pinecone for a nose and wild snow berries for eyes.

"It's beautiful angel-" I wrap her up in a hug. "You two did a good job." I smile at Carson who is blushing and hiding her face in Drews coat.

It's good that Drew finally found a little. Just like my brother and I, he can be intimidating. Especially to a little.

James swoops up our baby and we head back to the cabin to warm up. Christmas will be soon, so we definitely need to do some shopping, I'll look online later tonight.

Once we finally get there, I notice both of the girls are sleeping while being carried. I chuckle to myself and open the door.

As I light the fireplace, they lay the girls on the couch, and we sit next to them and talk until they wake up.

Daisy's POV

I wake up to the faint sound of chatter and the popping of a fireplace.

I'm so freaking comfortable.

I realize my head is on daddy James' lap, so I sit up to snuggle with him closer.

"Sleep good princess?" He asks.

"Mmhmm" I mumble, not wanting to talk.

Building that snowman was fun, Carson and I had a blast!

"Hmf." I cross my arms and both my daddies look at me.

I do it again. "Hmf."

"What is it angel?" Daddy Asher asks.

Read my mind daddy.

"Hmf." I continue.

"Use your words princess." Daddy James uses his daddy voice.

My eyebrows knit together. No, read my mind.

I see both my daddies look at each other in confusion.

"HMF..." I point to my tummy signaling I want a snack.

All the guys chuckle.

"You're hungry princess?" Daddy James asks and my face lights up as I nod.

I follow him into the kitchen and sit on the floor to wait for my snack.

"Don't sit on the floor princess-" he picks me up and sits me on the counter and boops my nose "sit here."


I cross my arms over my chest and kick his leg.

He looks at me sternly.

"Behave." He uses his daddy voice.

"But you did the boops..." I complain.

He walks closer to me and stands in between my legs with his arms on both sides of me.

"And?" He says in amusement.

"And... I no likes."

"It's my nose princess, I'll boop it when I want to." He kisses my cheek.

"No, I no wants the boops." I complain.

He chuckles.

"But I love your nose princess-" he kisses my nose "it's a perfect little nose." He kisses it again.

My legs feel like putty, and I suddenly don't care about anything.

I think he notices my defeat and he steps away smugly.

Dang it...he won.

I'll win next time.

Daddy sets a small bowl of goldfish next to me stealing one before walking away.

I giggle and shovel goldfish into my mouth.

We should all watch a movie tonight!


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